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Bravely Default Wiki
Ardour from BDII

Elvis using Ardour in Bravely Default II.

Ardour (アーダー, Ādā?, lit. Ardor) is a spell exclusive to Bravely Default II. It is a unique fire and water dual-elemental magic spell available from the Arcanist job's Necromancy command.

Ardour is learned at job level 2 for Arcanist job. It deals fire and water-elemental magic damage to all members of the player and enemy parties. It costs 36 MP to cast.

When combined with the Red Mage's Nuisance specialty passive, Ardour can be a powerful debuffing move due to its dual-elemental nature, allowing it have a chance of inflicting the Berserk, Doom, Frozen, and Poison statuses on the damaged targets. However, this can be counterproductive if players lack status immunity equipment and gets affected themselves.

Due to the spell's potentially detrimental nature of inflicting damage on the party, players should be wary of the party's health when performing the spell. The spell's weaker potency makes it one of the safer variants of the job's dual-elemental spells, making it somewhat useful on handling weaker enemy groups with fire or water weaknesses. With proper fire and water resistant equipment, combined with an Oracle's Elemental Ward Divination skill, Ardour can inflict minimal damage, or even heal members of the player party when used.

Vigintio is also able to use Ardour in battle, dealing damage to himself and the player party.


The word "ardor" (or "ardour") is synonymous with passion, fervency and intensity (as well as warmth). The origin of the word comes from Middle English ardour, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin ardor, "burning, heat"; from aridus, "dry".

The Ardor, Ardour in PAL regions, spell originates from the Final Fantasy series of games. The spell was first introduced in Final Fantasy XII as a powerful fire-elemental Black Magick spell in the initial releases. However, later versions shifted the spell to the Arcane Magick library of spells, being exclusive to the Red Warmage job. Due to the Arcanist's spell library being heavily based on the Arcane Magick school from Final Fantasy XII, the spell's appearance in Bravely Default II appears to be an intentional homage to the spell's original appearance.
