Bravely Default Wiki
Bravely Default Wiki
Arise from BDII

Arise in Bravely Default II.

Arise (アレイズ, Areizu?, lit. Araise) is a recurring White Magic spell in the Bravely series. It is consistently a high-level revival spell, sometimes the ultimate one, bringing a single character back from the KOd state with full HP, while also having a chance to instantly KO an undead enemy.


Bravely Default[]

Arise is a level 6 White Magic spell. It brings one target back from K.O. and restores all HP, while also having a 70% chance to cause death when used on undead enemies. It costs 80 MP to use. It can be bought in Grandship starting in chapter 5 for 6400 pg.

Bravely Second: End Layer[]

Arise is a level 6 White Magic spell. It brings one target back from K.O. and restores all HP, while also having a 70% chance to cause death when used on undead enemies. It costs 50 MP to use. It can be bought in Caldisla and Chompshire for 12800 pg.

Bravely Default II[]

Arise is a White Magic spell available at job level 10 for the White Mage. It revives a knocked-out target with full HP, being usable in and out of battle. It costs 95 MP to use. With the White Mage specialty Holistic Medicine, it can restore all knocked-out party members to full health at once, effectively functioning as a lower-MP cost version of Raise All.

Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]

Arise was a level 6 White Magic spell available after learning the spell from the Arise Tome. When used in battle, it would revive a single KO'd ally with full HP. Arise could only be used by the Spirit Master and Sage jobs. It cost 80 MP to perform.

In order to craft the Arise Tome, players would need to have a crafting shop level of 11, and would need to gather the following materials - Hieroglyph x23, Archdemon Stone x25, and Phoenix Feather x20.



The Raise series of spells originate from the Final Fantasy series of games. Originally known as the Life spell line, these spells were first introduced in the original Final Fantasy as White Magic spells usable by the White Mage and Red Mage jobs.

The second spell, known as Arise, Full-Life, or Life2, was often available at the ultimate level of White Magic, sometimes being exclusive to the upgrade to the White Mage job.

In the Japanese version, the spell name is intended to apply the prefix "A" to indicate the higher tier of Raise (as opposed to apply suffix "ra" or "ga" for the similar purpose), which is a remnant of the unique naming scheme for White Magic in the original Final Fantasy, where most final versions of spells placed the "a", "ra", and "ga" suffixes before the name of the first or second tier of the spell. This naming format was not used in the English localizations of entries, instead having the spell use the the English word "Arise".
