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This feral bearer of the ranger's asterisk uses Targeting to zero in on her prey, but when she gets worked up, she will unleash a frenzied attack called Multiburst.


Artemia Venus is a boss in Bravely Default, and fought in a Sub-Scenario of Florem.


First Battle

Second Battle

Third Battle

Fourth Battle

Fifth Battle

Sixth Battle


Artemia uses Multiburst that drains a lot of BP, but can deal massive damage if each shots hit one party member. She often uses Targeting, which pierces the Default effect.


The party should defeat the Legion Impaler and Legion Mage immediately. After that, the party should Default until Artemia uses Multiburst. She won't use it consecutively (minimum of three turns to use again), so it's a great opportunity to counterattack. Multiburst may deal above 1000 damage to one party member, if the party's level is not high enough, so it is best to stock Phoenix Down or learn Raise and Cura as a White Mage.

Artemia generally uses Targeting instead of normal attacks, which pierces the Default effect, so using Protect is recommended. If the party has at least one Black Mage with Fira magic, the battle can be a breeze for Fira can deal above 900 damage.


Chapter 8[]


Sister, raise battle call!


Me? But...!


...Be my guest. But make it sound impressive.


Oh, um... Eternian Forces, Third Division... Bloodrose Legion...! To battle!

At the start of the battle

... ... ... Still... still fight more!

After receiving some damage

Ngh... Arrows gone, bow broken...

Should Artemia be defeated

