Gloria using Banish in Bravely Default II.
Banish (バニシュ, Banishu?) is a spell appearing only in Bravely Default II. It is the base-level light-elemental spell, part of the Spirit Magic command, and is learned at job level 2 for the Spiritmaster. It deals light-elemental damage to a target or all targets on the field. It costs 10 MP to use.
When combined with the Red Mage specialty Nuisance, it has a chance of inflicting the Blind and Charm statues on the damaged targets. Banish will also deal damage to the caster if they have the Arcanist's All In passive active.
Banish is a recurring spell in the Final Fantasy series, though it was not introduced until Final Fantasy XI. It has usually been a low-level offensive White Magic spell, and while it is instead available to the Spiritmaster in Bravely Default II, that job is closely related to the White Mage, designed as a complementary or companion job.