Gloria using Basuna in Bravely Default II.
Basuna (バスナ, Basuna?) is a White Magic spell that appears only in Bravely Default II, specializing in removing a variety of status ailments from a single target. Specifically, it cures eight status ailments: poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, contagion, freezing and daubing. It is learned at job level 8, and costs 22 MP to use. With the White Mage specialty Holistic Medicine, it can be cast on the whole party at once.
Its upgraded form, Esuna, is not available until chapter 6 but cures all the same ailments plus more, though to save MP, Basuna should still be used when only ailments cured by it are present.
Basuna is a recurring White Magic spell from the Final Fantasy series, introduced in Final Fantasy II. The exact status effects it cures have varied, but it usually cured those conditions that wear off over time or at the end of battle, thus not curing conditions like poison and silence.