Be Mine; White Fox is a boss in Bravely Default, encountered as a Nemesis in Norende Village. It is a powered-up version of Holly accompanied by a more powerful version of Barras.
Barras begins by using Strong Strike, sometimes braving to use it twice in a row. He may also use Invigorate, which now always "fails" and heavily damages everybody on the field. After his HP becomes low he starts defaulting, then braving and using Invigorate twice. Once he is close to dying he braves twice and uses Invigorate three times, without bothering to default first. Holly sticks to using Holy and Curada.
An effective strategy is to reduce the party to critical health with MP Free In a Pinch equipped and with two party members much faster than the others. The faster members should have Dark Arts, and the slower ones Spiritism and Singing. The two fastest party members should brave once and use Minus Strike for both actions. Of the two slower party members one should use Stillness, and the other brave once and cast One More For You on the one who cast Stillness, and then take any action that will not change Brave Points. At the end of the turn, all party members should be at -2 brave points. The player can now simply set the game to autobattle. This strategy can be used at any point the player party is guaranteed to outspeed Barras.