Bravely Default Wiki
Bravely Default Wiki

Uses attack magic to assault groups of foes!

D's Journal job description

Equip these Black Magic warriors with rods so they can lay waste to enemies in a single stroke.

Official site's description
Black Mage job icon.

The Black Mage is a job in Bravely Default. It is obtained after defeating Ominas Crowe at the Ruins of Centro Keep.

The Black Mage specializes in Black Magic, and boasts a variety of damage dealing spells and status-changing spells. The Black Mage retains strong magical skill but weak defensive and physical skill. The Black Mage relies heavily on rods as weapons, but can equip staves and daggers to a lesser degree. The Arcanist job can be considered an upgraded version of the Black Mage job, and works well in concert with the Black Mage's abilities.

A Red Mage of the same job level will have significantly better stats than the Black Mage in most areas (at the cost of a slight reduction in Intelligence). For this reason, players interested in the Black Mage's attack magic may be better off leveling the Black Mage until the desired magic level is unlocked and then switching to Red Mage with Black Magic selected as the job command.


The Black Mage takes the appearance of traditional Final Fantasy Black Mages, with some changes. Agnès and Edea wear a short black one-piece dress under a high-collared black cloak with purple lining held by black cat brooch at the neck and black elbow length gloves. They wear a large-brimmed hat with blue lining and a red tassel on the top, and black thigh-high boots with blue trim. Edea also wears a garter belt and her signature black and red bow.

Tiz and Ringabel wear a long, black, hooded cloak with a gold decoration at the back of the waist and red ribbons at the end. Light blue sirwal-style pants with a red string around the waist and purple elbow-length gloves. They wear purple shoes and smaller hats with red tassels on the top.





Swords Axes Spears Rods Staves Daggers Bows Katanas Knuckles Shields Helms Armor


The Black Mage's Specialty is Black Resonance. Its Job command is Black Magic.

Ability Job Level Cost Description
Black Magic Lv.1 1 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 1 black magic: Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Rod Lore 2 1 slot Raise arms aptitude for rods to S.
Black Magic Lv.2 3 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 2 black magic: Silence, Poison, and Sleep. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Abate Fire 4 1 slot Reduce damage taken from fire attacks.
Note that you will not receive further reduction if this ability is used along with items with similar effects. Fire nullification effects take precedence over reduction effects.
Damage Dispersion 5 1 slot Disperse 15% of damage to each ally when hit by a single-target attack and sustain the remaining damage yourself. Does not apply to magic damage reflected by Reflect.
Silence Immunity 6 1 slot Confer immunity to silence during battles.
Black Magic Lv.3 7 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 3 black magic: Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Black Resonance 8 1 slot Black magic damage rises with each ally (excluding yourself) on which Black Resonance has been set.
0 allies with Black Resonance: No effect
1 ally with Black Resonance: Damage x1.1
2 allies with Black Resonance: Damage x1.15
3 allies with Black Resonance: Damage x1.2
Black Magic Lv.4 9 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 4 black magic: Drain, Aspir, and Fear. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
M.Attack 20% Up 10 2 slots Raise Magic Attack by 20%.
Black Magic Lv.5 11 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 5 black magic: Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Pierce M.Defense 12 3 slots Ignore the target's Magic Defense when dealing magic damage.
Black Magic Lv.6 13 MP cost varies by spell Enables the use of level 6 black magic: Dark, Kill, and Death. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Group-Cast All 14 3 slots Enable group-casting even for normally non-group-cast magic. However, this does not apply to magic targeting yourself.

