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Black Magic (黒魔法, Kuro Mahō?) is a skillset in Bravely Second: End Layer focused on damage-dealing magic. It can be used by the Black Mage or by equipping the Black Magic job command. Black Magic can also be performed by the Red Mage and the B/W Magic job command, but only up to level 4.


Job BM Lv. 1 BM Lv. 2 BM Lv. 3 BM Lv. 4 BM Lv. 5 BM Lv. 6 BM Lv. 7
Black Mage Lv. 1 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 7 Lv. 9 Lv. 11
Red Mage Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 4 Lv. 6

List of spells[]

Name Level MP Effect Location Cost Image
Fire 1 10 Minor fire damage (group-casting allowed). Al-Khampis, Chompshire 400
Deal minor fire damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 20][Damage: 3.0x]
Blizzard 1 10 Minor water damage (group-casting allowed). Al-Khampis, Chompshire 400
Deal minor water damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 20][Damage: 3.0x]
Thunder 2 10 Minor lightning damage (group-casting allowed). Ancheim, Chompshire 800
Deal minor lightning damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 20][Damage: 3.0x]
Aspir 2 1 Absorb MP from one target. Ancheim, Chompshire 800
Absorb MP from one target. Note that both the user and target will lose MP if used on an undead enemy.
This spell cannot be reflected.
[Single-target][Base Power: 50][Damage: 0.1x]
Fira 3 25 Medium fire damage (group-casting allowed). Ancheim, Yunohana, Chompshire 1600
Deal medium fire damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 55][Damage: 3.5x]
Blizzara 3 25 Medium water damage (group-casting allowed). Ancheim, Yunohana, Chompshire 1600
Deal medium water damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 55][Damage: 3.5x]
Thundara 4 25 Medium lightning damage (group-casting allowed). Yunohana, Chompshire 3200
Deal medium lightning damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 55][Damage: 3.5x]
Drain 4 8 Absorb HP from one target. Yunohana, Chompshire 3200
Absorb HP from one target. Note that both user and target will take damage if used on an undead enemy.
This spell cannot be reflected.
[Single-target][Base Power: 25][Damage: 3.0x]
Firaga 5 45 Major fire damage (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 6400
Deal major fire damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 90][Damage: 4.5x]
Blizzaga 5 45 Major water damage (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 6400
Deal major water damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 90][Damage: 4.5x]
Thundaga 6 45 Major lightning damage (group-casting allowed). Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Deal major lightning damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 90][Damage: 4.5x]
Dark 6 80 Deal major dark damage (group-casting allowed). Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Deal major dark damage to one target.
[Base Power: 100][Damage: 5.0]
Flare 7 80 Deals massive fire to all targets. Vampire Castle 12800
Deal major fire damage to all targets. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 120][Damage: 2.75x]


