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Bravebearers boast skills that were thought to have been long-since lost, and use them to inspire courage in their allies.

In-game description

The Bravebearer is a job in Bravely Default II. It is the final job made available to the player, being unlocked fairly late in the game. In order to unlock the job, players must return to the Vale of Sighs during Chapter 6, but only after completing the game’s first two endings.

With its Bravery command, it specializes in abilities that manipulates the BP of both friend and foe alike. In addition, a variety of its abilities deal damage based on the user's HP or various accumulated gameplay-related statistics.

The Bravebearer's attributes are high and well-rounded, with an S rank in almost every stat, a B proficiency with every weapon, and an A proficiency with shields.


When using the Bravebearer Asterisk, both the heroes and Sir Sloan wear a hooded white coat with a black tunic underneath; underneath the coat and tunics are the characters' Freelancer garbs. The coat features designs showing the four Crystals, with the character's outfit having the same coloration as the crystal that chose them: green for Sir Sloan and Seth, chosen by the Wind Crystal; blue for Gloria, chosen by the Water Crystal; yellow for Elvis, chosen by the Earth Crystal; and red for Adelle, chosen by the Fire Crystal.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

When the previous Heroes of Light journeyed to fight against the Night's Nexus fifty years before the events of Bravely Default II, Sir Sloan originally had the power of the Bravebearer's Asterisk bestowed upon him by Queen Aileen. During their final confrontation with the Nexus, the creature managed to sever the Asterisk into two halves - one still within Sir Sloan's possession, and the other cast into the void.

After witnessing the vision of the past in Elvis's tome, Seth and his friends return to Sir Sloan's grave at the Vale of Sighs and are tested by Sir Sloan in a battle against his younger self. After defeating Sloan, he reveals that Gloria already had the first piece of the stone located on the hilt of his sword, while Seth actually had the second half the entire time, finding it at the start of his journey when he saved the elderly woman outside of Halcyonia. When the two put the pieces of the stone together, the group obtains the missing Asterisk.

Spoilers end here.

Job Overview[]

Their extremely high stats in every area make them a very good primary job for any sub-job, and their level 10 ability, the passive Sub-Job Specialty 2, makes it so that even as a primary job the benefit of that usually powerful specialty of the sub-job can still take effect. Their B proficiency in each weapon is decent but to achieve maximum physical or magical power a lore ability, such as their own Sword Lore, should be equipped.

The Bravebearer's own abilities are very potent, allowing them for provide BP to their party while depriving enemies of it, facilitating quick victories in many boss battles. Their abilities based on play time and battles one can be very powerful but are only conditionally so, while their "-gravity" abilities can be powerful ways of dealing reliable damage when kept healthy.

The Bravebearer has powerful tools and excellent stats that allow them to serve as a strong general-purpose job.

Pairing up a Bravebearer with a Freelancer as its sub-job, allows the player to have access to fast BP regeneration, which can allow a character to perform multiple Body Slam techniques without many limitations. Potentially a Bravebearer/Freelancer combination paired up with the Sub-Job Speciality 2, Surpassing Power, Limit Breaker, and Sub-Job BP Saver passives can have a character with a decent amount of Weight deal incredible damage with multiple attacks that often exceed the default damage cap.


Stat Rank Stat Rank
Physical Attack S Magical Attack S
Physical Defence S Magical Defence S
Restorative Power S Speed S
Weight S Chance of Being Targeted S
Aim S Evasion S
Critical Chance A


Daggers Swords Axes Spears Bows Staves Shield



Name Level Description
Adrenaline 1 Defeating a target increases BP by one.
True Grit 12 BP increase by one at the start of each turn.

Abilities learned[]

The Bravebearer's fixed commands are Bravery.

Name Level Type Cost Effect
Supergravity 1 Command 36 MP Deal damage to all targets equal to 20% of the user's current HP.
Wall of Woe 2 Command 84 MP Cause all allies and enemies to lose one BP three times at regular intervals.
Sword Lore 3 Passive 1 Slot Sword aptitude increased to S.
Practice Makes Perfect 4 Command 2 BP Deal physical damage to a target based on the length of time the game has been played.
Dawn of Odyssey 5 Command 58 MP Cause all allies and enemies to gain one BP three times at regular intervals.
Hypergravity 6 Command 80 MP Deal damage to all targets equal to 50% of the user's current HP.
Equaliser 7 Command 32 MP Reduce BP by one for all allies and enemies whose BP is at one or more, and increase it by one for anyone who is at minus one BP or below.
Obliterate 8 Passive 1 Slot Any enemy twenty or more levels below the user is instantly killed at the beginning of battle.
Victory Smite 9 Command 25% HP Deal physical damage to a target based on the number of battles you've won.
Sub-Job Specialty 2 10 Passive 1 Slot The second specialty listed for the user's sub-job is activated.
Gigagravity 11 Command 125 MP Deal damage to all targets equal to 75% of the user's current HP.
Victory Double 12 Command 3 BP Perform two physical attacks on a target, each dealing damage based on the number of battles you've won.
Across the Board 13 Passive 2 Slots Any ability that usually affects a single target now affects multiple targets.
BP Bump 14 Command 2 BP Increase all allies' BP by one.
Best Practice 15 Command 3 BP Perform two physical attacks on a target, each dealing damage based on the length of time for which the game has been played.


Limit Break from BDII

Seth performing Limit Break on an enemy.

The Bravebearer's Special is Limit Break (リミットブレイク, Rimitto Bureiku?), which deals a single powerful physical attack to an enemy and increase the party's BP by 1. It also has the extra effect of applying a temporary 30% boost to both the physical and magical attack for all allies. In order to perform the move, players must have the character as a Bravebearer use any abilities from the Bravery command thirteen times in battles.

Behind the scenes[]

Seth Bravebearer Concept from BDII

Concept art of Seth's Bravebearer outfit.

When designing the Bravebearer, Naoki Ikushima listed that the party's version of their outfits should be based on their initial Freelancer outfits and the colors of each character's respective Crystal color. A unique element Ikushima used for all characters were lion designs for their coat pouches. [1]

The idea of the Bravebearer's wear being worn over the character's default Freelancer outfit may have been inspired from Final Fantasy V's Mime job, which had each character wearing the job's spaulders and cape over their Freelancer garbs. Both the Bravebearer and Mime share the commonality of being the last job obtained in both their respective games, and being obtained from a broken shard lost at some point during the game's story.

The job's Limit Break Special is likely a reference to the recurring character specific special attacks from the Final Fantasy series, which likely served as the inspiration for the Bravely series recurring Special command. The Limit Break attack even involves characters summoning golden aura to surround their party members before performing the attack on the enemy, which is a common element seen when characters in the Final Fantasy series perform their Limit Breaks.



  1. Bravely Default II Design Works The Art of Bravely 201X - 2021, p. 56.