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This is a list of all armor in Bravely Default.


The jobs best suited to equipping shields are the Knight. Any job can be well suited to equip shields with the Shield Lore support ability.

Armor Image P.DEF M.DEF EVD Cost Acquire
Buckler Buckler 5 3 20 50 Buy: Caldisla
A small, simple shield used in melee combat. It is commonly made from wood or leather and has an iron hand guard at the center. In addition to blocking blows, it can be thrust out at opponents.
Round Shield Round shield 9 5 21 300 Buy: Ancheim
A large shield made of tough leather stretched over a round frame. The hard metal rivets attached to it can cause the tips of enemy swords to snap off when they get stuck in the wood.
Mythril Shield Mythril shield 14 7 25 600 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A beautiful shield made from overlapping sheets of mythril steel from Eisenberg. This latest in shield design exploits the tremendous repulsive force that two separate pieces of mythril steel have when subjected to an impact.
Cross Shield Cross shield 18 9 24 1000 Buy: Florem
A large, oval-shaped shield. It is adorned on the top, bottom, right, and left with crystal runes, and covered with a silver coating. This type of shield has been adopted by the knightly orders of many lands that defend the Crystal Orthodoxy.
Spiked Shield Spiked shield 20 10 23 3700 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Increase P.ATK by 5.
A shield designed to inflict maximum injury on attackers. It is surrounded by spiked blades and has a big metal spike in the center. Small, spike-shaped rivets are arranged around the central spike.
[Effect when equipped: +Strength]
Blessed Shield Blessed shield 23 12 30 4000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Use: Cura.
A shield that blesses the victorious in battle. It is adorned with so much ornamentation that it does not seem practical as a shield. The glowing gemstone at the center is imbued with curative powers that heal targets when the shield is raised and a special chant is spoken.
[Effect when used: Cura]
Large Shield Large shield 24 12 22 2500 Buy: Hartschild
An immense shield of tough wood reinforced with steel mesh for added strength. It is meant mainly for defending against arrow and spear volleys. Its large size makes it impractical for melee combat.
Iceflame Shield Iceflame shield 24 12 27 Chest: Temple of Fire
Steal: Kobold Slasher (Ch. 5-6), Heinkel (Ch. 5-6)
Grants the wearer immunity to Fire and Water.
A miraculous large shield that combines both fire and water resistance. A true gem, made by a temple armorer by placing more than thirty fire and water charms between thin metal plates, and then adding further ornamentation designed to block fire and water.
[Effect when equipped: Nullify Water, Nullify Fire]
Adamant Shield Adamant shield 27 14 26 7500 Buy: Eternia
A shield made from the carapace of an adamantite shell. The grip is rather slimy. It is so strong that no blade can penetrate it. It is lighter and easier to use than metal shields, making it an ideal shield for melee battles.
Dark Shield BD Dark Shield 30 15 28 Drop: Alternis (Ch. 5-6)
Chest: Everlast Tower (4F)
Steal: Skull Knight (Ch. 5)
Grants the wearer immunity to Dark.
A jet-black shield imbued with demonic wrath by continuously bathing it for 120 years in fresh blood harvested from an archdemon who was captured and slowly bled without killing him.
[Effect when equipped: Nullify dark]
Lustrous Shield Lustorous shield 32 16 29 Blue Chest: Lontano Villa (3F)
Steal: Heinkel (Ch. 7)
Grants the wearer immunity to Light.
A sacred shield said to be imbued with the power of light. It is a prestigious shield that the Crystal Orthodoxy bestowed upon an Archbishop who triumphed over an evil heretic.
[Effect when equipped: Nullify light]
Aegis Shield BD Aegis Shield 38 19 30 Chest: Dark Aurora (5F), Dimension's Hasp (B9)
Grants the wearer immunity to Dread.
A wondrous shield said to have been presented by the father of the gods to his daughter. It is believed to ward against all manner of calamity, evil, and lust. It was later enhanced by embedding inside it the head of a monster that petrifies its victims.
Bloody Shield Bloody shield 45 23 -100 5000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
A large, demon-faced shield found in a fortress of a clan that suffered a bitter end after being betrayed. The blood and malice of the clan has sunk in deep and cannot be washed away. It dramatically raises Defense, but in exchange, it markedly lowers Evasion.

Head Armor[]


The jobs best suited to equipping helms are the Dark Knight. Any job can be well suited to equip helms with the Helm Lore support ability.

Armor P.DEF M.DEF EVD Cost Acquire
Bronze Helm 2 40 Buy: Caldisla
A helm of bronze that covers the entire head. It is thick and extremely heavy, which makes it difficult to use except for the stoutest of warriors.
Iron Helm 4 1 200 Buy: Ancheim
A helm of iron that covers the entire head. It is thinner and lighter than bronze helms, and includes a nose guard and cheek protectors to better protect the wearer's face.
Mythril Helm 5 1 400 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A helm that covers the entire face with a dog mask that can be raised or closed. It was forged from mythril steel plating by a seasoned helm craftsman. It is lighter than helms of other metals and has an impressive form and beautiful ornamentation.
Yggdrasil Helm 7 1 700 Buy: Florem
A helm said to be made from the bark of the legendary Yggdrasil, but the only part that actually contains its bark is the charm that has been affixed inside. It is extremely easy to wear, and popular for the wooden construction that makes it light and readily able to deflect bludgeoning attacks.
Orichalcum Helm 8 2 1500 Buy: Hartschild
A costly helm covered in ultra-thin sheets of orichalcum, a rare metal mined in Eisenberg. Orichalcum is so hard that even this sheets make for a helm that is far stronger and lighter than one made of steel.
Adamant Helm 10 2 4500 Buy: Eternia
The ultimate in helms, made by an elite craftsman who spent half a year on this item. It is made from only the choicest pieces of carapace from an adamantite shell. It is hard and light, yet able to prevent impacts from penetrating to the brain. The only drawback is a slight odor.
Genji Helm 12 3 Drop: Kamiizumi (Ch. 7)
Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B7)
Blue Chest: Underflow (1F)
A helm said to have been favored by the Genji clan from the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. The Genji are believed to have been a leading clan of samurai that defeated the rival Heike clan, forging a samurai hegemony that ruled for some 700 years.
Heike Helm 14 3 10 40000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
A helm favored by the Heike, a samurai clan form the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. After seizing power, the Heike took titles of nobility, alienating other samurai. This resulted in their overthrow by the Genji and their complete obliteration.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Crystal Helm 16 4 Drop: Barbarossa (Ch. 7), Artemia (Ch. 7), Chairman Profiteur (Ch. 7), Alternis (Ch. 7)
A rare helm made by painstakingly bonding together fragments that flaked away from a crystal. They cannot be mass-produced, and each one has a unique shape. Some say it takes ninety years to complete one of these helms.


Armor P.DEF M.DEF EVD Cost Acquire
Leather Cap 1 15 Buy: Caldisla
A simple hat made by sewing together patches of leather made from tanned animal hides. Though inexpensive and easy to wear, it does not offer much in the way of Defense.
Pointy Hat 1 1 20 Buy: Caldisla
Increase M.ATK by 1.
A pointy hat made of felt. Its rabbit fur trim provides warmth, but its brimless design leaves something to be desired on rainy days.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Tricorne 2 2 150 Buy: Ancheim
Increase M.ATK by 1.
A thick felt hat with a wide brim folded up on the back and sides. It is the favored headwear of ship captains and pirates. The name tricorne derives from its triangular shape when viewed from above.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Feather Hat 3 1 100 Buy: Ancheim
A fashionable hat made from thick cloth and with a narrow brim for hunting. It is adorned with beautiful feathers, which give it its name.
Cat-Ear Hood 3 2 222 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Increase M.ATK by 2.
A cute hood woven from magic thread and adorned with what look like cat ears on top. it is popular for the way it soothes those who look upon it, regardless of its inherent magic power.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Tiger Mask 4 1 250 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A mask made from a tiger pelt. It makes its wearer uncomfortably warm because it covers the head, face, and neck. Wearers have the inexplicable desire to stand somewhere up high with their arms folded.
Laurel Wreath 4 3 650 Buy: Florem
Increase M.ATK by 2.
A simple wreath of leaves and branches from the laurel tree woven into the circle. In the Age of Myths, the god of light is said to have worn one on his head. They became a kind of crown for emperors in ancient times, and in recent years, they were awarded to the winners of footraces.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Mage's Hat 4 3 1500 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Increase M.ATK by 3 and INT by 5.
A wide-brimmed hat mainly made of felt and favored by those who use magic. It is a must-have item among some young female magic users, ranking up there with cat ears.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Intelligence]
Holy Miter 5 4 1000 Buy: Hartschild
Increase M.ATK by 3 and MND by 5.
A tall hat worn at ceremonies and rituals by clergy of high standing. It features an elegant pattern embroidered with gold and silver thread. While it does not offer much in the way of physical protection, it does boost magic defenses.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Mind]
Lambent Hat 5 3 900 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase M.ATK by 2. Lightning attack deal 25% more damage.
A hat woven from mythril steel thread that has been hammered and stretched to the thinnest it can be. It offers astounding protection for a hat and is also said to have the ability to amplify the power of lightning.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Lightning attack]
Acorn Hat 6 1 600 Buy: Florem
An incredibly light cap made by applying countless coats of lacquer to a giant acorn shell and then lining the inside with felt.
Headband 6 1 1800 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Increase STR by 10.
A headband from the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. Though it is made from seemingly ordinary cotton fabric, its wearers find wondrous courage and strength welling up within whenever they resolve to do something.
[Effect when equipped: +Strength]
Red Cap 7 2 1000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase P.ATK by 5 and AGI by 5.
A rust-red cap worn by demons that strike fear into the hearts of men. The cap itself is a dangerous spirit entity that can inflict great injury. It delights in soaking up the blood of the victims slaughtered by its wearers.
[Effect when equipped: +Strength, +Agility]
Circlet 7 4 4000 Buy: Eternia
Increase M.ATK by 4.
A simple crown lacking arches and a cap. A spell that heightens the focus of the spell casters is engraved on the metal that rests directly on the head.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Black Cowl 8 2 10 1200 Buy: Hartschild
A jet-black hood said to have been worn by the ninja, a shadowy group that originated in the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Lamia's Tiara 8 5 Chest: Vampire Castle (5F), Dark Aurora (2F)
Steal: Mephilia (Ch. 7)
Increase M.ATK by 3. Grants immunity to Charm.
A tiara wrought in the form of Lamia, a half-human, half-serpent monster. She was once human, but after the father of the gods fell in love with her, his wife killed all the woman's children in a jealous rage and transformed her into a hideous monster.
[Effect when equipped: Nullify charm]
Adamant Hat 9 2 5 4200 Buy: Eternia
A cap made by sewing together pieces of the hard carapace of an adamantite shell. It is hard enough to turn away blades, supple enough to absorb impacts, and light enough for unhindered movement. The only drawback is its center gravity, which is slightly shifted to the right.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Gold Hairpin 10 6 Chest: Dark Aurora (4F), Dimension's Hasp (B8)
Steal: Yulyana (Ch. 7)
Increase M.ATK by 4. -25% MP Cost.
A golden hairpin on which an ancient Crystalist prayer is engraved. The ancient prayer speaks directly to the wearer's mind, lowering the cost of using magic.
Ribbon 11 3 Chest: Dark Aurora (4F)
Grants to wearer immunity to Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep, Paralyze, Dread, Confuse, Charm, and Death.
A mysterious ribbon said to have originated in the Age of Myths.
Royal Crown 12 3 Blue Chest: Florem Gardens (Central)
Steal: Praline (Ch. 7)
An exquisitely designed crown said to have been passed down by a royal family. No one knows which royal family or in what age they lived.

Torso Armor[]

Heavy Armor[]

The jobs best suited for equipping armor is the Templar. Any job can be well suited to equip armor with the Armor Lore support ability.

Armor P.DEF M.DEF EVD Cost Acquire
Leather Armor 4 1 120 Buy: Caldisla
Armor made of tanned animal hides that have been stitched together. Its light weight and affordability make it particularly accessible. it provides some protection against slashing weapons, but it does not have the durability required to protect against piercing or bludgeoning attacks.
Bronze Armor 8 2 250 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Bronze armor that completely half the body, from neck to waist. While it provides decent protection, it is heavy and difficult to move around in due to its primitive design.
Iron Armor 12 3 500 Find: Ancheim
Iron armor that covers the entire upper body. It is designed with movement in mind, including chainmail at the joints to make them more flexible.
Mythril Armor 18 4 1000 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Extraordinarily beautiful full-body armor that uses layer upon layer of plates forged from mythril produced in Eisenberg. This armor can withstand slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning attacks by exploiting the repulsive force between two separate pieces of mythril steel when subjected to an impact.
Yggdrasil Armor 24 6 2000 Buy: Florem
Wooden armor with charms made of bark from Yggdrasil on the inside of each piece. The use of wood makes this armor light and extraordinarily resilient, able to deflect bludgeoning attacks and other physical impacts.
Orichalcum Mail 30 7 5000 Buy: Hartschild
Costly armor covered in ultra-thin sheets of orichalcum, a rare metal mined in Eisenberg. Orichalcum is so hard that even thin sheets of it make for armor that is far stronger and lighter than that made of steel.
Adamant Armor 36 9 15000 Buy: Eternia
The ultimate in full-body armor made by an elite craftsman who spent three years on this masterpiece, made of a special piece of carapace from an adamantite shell only found on the female of the species. The shell is further hardened by curing it in empress honey for half a year.
The only drawback is the sweet smell, which attracts bees and bears.
Genji Armor 42 10 Drop: Kamiizumi (Ch. 7)
Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B7)
Blue Chest: Grapp Keep (1F)
Armor used by the Genji clan, leaders of the samurai from the Land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. This armor was worn by high-ranking samurai who mainly fought with bows on horseback. It is exquisitely crafted and quite beautiful.
Heike Armor 46 11 99,999 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Armor used by the Heike, a clan of samurai from the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. They prospered so greatly for a time that is said, "If you are not Heike, you are not human". However, the clan met a tragic end, and their lingering malice remains with this armor.
Crystal Mail 50 12 Drop: Heinkel (Ch. 7), Einheria (Ch. 7), Braev the Templar (Ch. 7), Lord DeRosso (Ch. 7)
A rare type of mail made by painstakingly bonding together fragments that flaked way from a crystal. They cannot be mass-produced because each crystal fragment has a unique shape. Some say it takes an unfathomable length of time to complete one set of this armor.

Light Armor[]

Armor P.DEF M.DEF EVD Cost Acquire
Hempen Tunic 2 20 Buy: Caldisla
Thick garb made from hemp fiber. It is tough and features good breathability, but it does not hold up very well in melee combat.
Kenpo Gi 3 1 100 Buy: Caldisla
Increase EVD by 5 and AGI by 2.
A padded vest for practicing the martial arts. It is loose and light, allowing the martial artist to move freely. Patchwork is applied at crucial points to reinforce the garment, making it exceedingly durable.
[Effect when equipped: +Agility, +Evasion]
Linen Cuirass 4 1 80 Initial: Tiz
Buy: Caldisla
Miraculous linen armor that is as strong as armor made of metal thanks to the power of magic runes that are sewn throughout the inside surface. It is powerful enough to block most attacks by lesser monsters.
Silk Robe 8 2 350 Buy: Ancheim
Increase M.ATK by 2.
A loosing-fitting robe woven from luxurious silk. It is light and conductive to mental focus, but not recommended for combat-type jobs, as it provides about as much protection as not wearing anything at all.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Brigandine 9 2 600 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Lightweight armor made from small metal plates that have been woven into thick, sturdy fabric. It offers some protection from slashing weapons, but almost none against bludgeoning and piercing attacks.
Bronze Breastplate 10 2 400 Buy: Ancheim
A thick bronze breastplate that completely covers the torso. It protects the chest and shoulders from slashing attacks, and it also provides some defense against piercing weapons, but it is extremely heavy and difficult to move in.
Tabby Suit 13 3 700 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Increase M.ATK by 2. Grants immunity to Poison.
A cat costume completely covered in animal fur. The long, thick fur completely blocks attacks by poisonous fangs and claws.
Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, Nullify poison
Mythril Plate 14 3 850 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Steal: Khint (Ch. 1 Merchant fight)
A breastplate forged by stalwart armor craftsman from plates of mythril forged in Eisenberg. All who look upon it find its beautiful ornamentation quite sublime.
Rainbow Dress 14 3 1800 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase M.ATK by 3. Grants immunity to Confuse.
This dress, which shines with all the colors of the rainbow, was made by an armor craftsman in Norende Village. It heightens mental focus and provides powerful resistance to confusion.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, Nullify confuse]
Floral Robe 17 4 1500 Buy: Florem
Increase M.ATK by 3.
A robe made from the woven petals of flowers that bloom in Florem. The Flowers are picked using a special technique that allows them to keep blooming indefinitely or until they are physically destroyed.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Mirage Vest 19 5 20 1600 Buy: Florem
Drop: DeRosa (Ch. 2)
A vest woven from a special fiber that constantly scatters light in all directions. It causes a mirage-like effect that makes it easier to evade enemy attacks.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Black Robe 20 5 6000 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Increase M.ATK by 3 and INT by 20.
A mystic robe made of mythril steel thread stretched as thin as it can be and then interwoven with jet-black silk. It is said to heighten its wearer's intelligence and amplify magic attack power.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Intelligence]
Power Sash 22 5 2400 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Increase STR by 5.
A mysterious sash from the land of Wa, an island nation that vanished centuries was used to tie loose sleeves so they would not be a hindrance in battle. It bestows demon-like strength when tied in a special manner.
[Effect when equipped: +Strength]
White Robe 22 5 4000 Buy: Hartschild
Increase M.ATK by 4 and MND by 20.
A mystic robe made of mythril steel thread stretched as thin as it can be and then interwoven with bright white silk. It is said to heighten its wearer's mind and amplify magic recovery.
Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Mind
Viking Coat 24 6 3000 Buy: Grandship
A coat said to be favored by pirates, sailors, and other hard men of the sea. It is sturdy enough to withstand constant exposure to the wind and rain, lashings from tempests, and complete inundation by waves during long voyages.
Gaia Gear 25 6 11000 Buy: Eternia
Increase M.ATK by 4. Earth attack deal 50% more damage.
A robe that amplifies the earth power of its wearer. It is woven from a special fiber that was bathed in energy waves from the earth.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Earth attack]
Star Corslet 26 6 Drop: Praline (Ch. 3 & 5-8)
Increase Maximum HP by 100.
Stage wear into which the spirit of successive generations of performers has been woven into the lining. It has the effect of sweeping away pre-performance jitters and making performers think back to their hope-and-dream-filled debut.
Effect when equipped: +HP
Adamant Vest 29 7 10000 Buy: Eternia
A vest that a first-rate tailor created by sewing together carapace sheddings from adamantite shells while they were still pliable. The pieces of shell gradually harden, providing good protection, yet the joints remain flexible, allowing for incredibly easy movement.
Luminous Robe 29 7 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B8)
Blue Chest: Vestment Cave (B1)
Steal: Holly (Ch. 7)
Increase M.ATK by 5. Light attack deal 50% more damage.
A mystic robe made of orichalcum steel thread stretched as thin as it can be and then interwoven with glowing silk. It is said to amplify the power of its wearer's light effect.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Light attack]
Lordly Robes 35 9 Chest: Dark Aurora (6F), Dimension's Hasp (B3)
Steal: Ominas (Ch. 7-8)
Increase M.ATK by 6 and MND by 10.
A robe worn by rulers of nations. It is steeped in the blessing of the gods for those who rule over men. Runes meaning "rule over the people and provide them relief" are stitched into the lining.
Brave Suit 36 9 Chest: Dark Aurora (5F), Dimension's Hasp (B5 & B9)
Blue Chest: Engine Room (B29)
Steal: Kikyo (Ch. 7)
+1 BP at start of battle.
Armor that bestows courage from the god of war during battles.
[Effect when equipped: +1 BP at start of battle]
Crystal Vest 40 10 Drop: Yulyana (Ch. 7), Qada (Ch. 7), DeRosa (Ch. 7), Victor (Ch. 7)
A vest made by bonding together large crystal fragments that flaked away from a crystal. it is said that it takes a unfathomable number of years just to complete one vest.

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