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This is a list of all of the weapons in Bravely Default.


The jobs best suited for wielding swords are the Knight, Spell Fencer, Dark Knight, and Templar. Any job can be well suited to wield swords when equipped with the Sword Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for swords are charged by Braving in battle.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Broadsword Broadsword BD 3 90 70 Buy: Caldisla
A sword mass-produced by a simple manufacturing method that integrates the blade, guard, and hilt. Its simple, broad blade is designed to be easily wielded, even by weaker individuals. It is a popular weapon for self defense thanks to its adequate length and ease of use.
Long Sword Bravely Default Longsword 12 90 500 Buy: Ancheim
An iron-forged, mass-produced sword that has proven itself on the battlefield as the standard weapon of issue for troops from many different lands. The blades available to the common folk, however, tend to be dulled, and leave something to be desired for a seasoned swordsman.
Mythril Sword Mythril Sword 18 90 1000 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A sword forged by a famous sword-maker using Eisenberg-mined mythril ore smelted at an extremely high temperature. While the blade length is on the short side due to mythril being so precious, it is far sharper than iron swords.
Scimitar Scimitar BD 24 90 2000 Buy: Florem
Chest: Miasma Woods
Steal: Khint (Ch. 1 Time Mage fight)
A slender, curved sword believed to have originated in the Harena region. This cruel weapon is well suited for carving chunks off an enemy with each swing of its beautifully bowed blade. This makes it the favored weapon of brigands and pirates.
Sleep Blade Sleep Blade BD 27 90 Drop: Bone Knight (Ch. 3)
Chest: Witherwood (Central)
25% chance to cause Sleep.
A slender sword made from a special metal that emits a sleep-inducing agent when it reacts to blood or body heat. It was originally intended for self-defense, but production was halted after these swords started falling into the wrong hands.
[Attack: Sleep (low)]
Defender Bravely Default Defender 27 90 5000 Buy: Hartschild
Increase P.DEF by 10.
A thick sword made for both high attack power and ease of defense. Simply equipping it slightly raises Defense. This makes it an effective weapon for raising the Defense of those ill suited for using shields.
[Effect when equipped: +Physical defense]
Ice Brand Ice brand 32 90 Chest: Starkfort (2F)
Steal: Duchy Guardsman (Ch. 4)
Deal Water damage.
A sword forged from a rare metal as cold as ice that is mined from the Eternian permafrost. It adds a water effect to slash attacks, making it highly prized for eradicating monsters susceptible to water and ice.
Zweihander Zweihander 35 90 7500 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
A large steel sword bearing a name that means "two-handed sword" in the language of Eisenberg. Thanks to its length and weight, this weapon is more often used in bold attacks seeking to crush the bones of enemies rather than simply slashing them.
Flametongue Flametongue 36 90 15000 Buy: Eternia
Chest: Temple of Fire
Deal Fire damage.
A sword imbued with the power of fire by the extended tempering of its mythril steel blade in Eisenberg's magma. Its beautiful blade seems to ripple like fire, but as soon as it is swung, it bursts into flame, allowing its wielder to deal a fire effect with each slash.
Excalibur BD Excalibur 39 90 Drop: Braev the Templar (Ch. 6-7)
Chest: Eternian Central Command (B2)
Steal: Braev the Templar (Ch. 5-6)
Deal Light damage.
A legendary sword bearing the inscription, "Whosoever draws this sword shall be the rightful king." The boy who drew it from the stone did ultimately become king after a series of adventures. Its blade is imbued with the power of light, making it well suited against foes with the power of dark.
Rune Blade BD Rune Blade 39 15 90 Drop: Khint (Ch. 6 Khamer fight)
Chest: Everlast Tower (1F hidden)
Steal: Khint (Ch. 5 Khamer fight)
A mystical sword with ancient runes inscribed on its blade. It is imbued with wondrous magic power that raises its wielder's magic attack. This makes it the perfect blade for those who combine sword-based melee combat with magic attacks.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Claymore BD Claymore 40 90 30000 Buy: Caldisla (Ch. 5-8)
Steal: Braev the Templar (Ch. 4)
Said to have once been used by giants, this huge weapon of the Norende region bears a name that means "great sword". Its massive size and weight make it difficult to wield, but terrible destructive power makes it a favorite of mercenaries and other warriors who pride themselves in their strength.
Blood Blade BD Blood Blade 42 90 Chest: Vampire Castle (1F hidden), Dark Aurora (6F)
Steal: Lord DeRosso (Ch. 7)
Use: Sword Magic Drain.
A slender magic sword into which a legendary master blacksmith forged the black magic Drain by request of a certain patron. Upon seeing the blade, the patron is said to have gladly purchased it, leaving with the cryptic words, "This is positively vampiric!"
[Effect when used: Sword Magic Drain]
Chaos Blade BD Chaos Blade 44 90 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B9)
Blue Chest: Eternian Central Command (48F)
Steal: Alternis (Ch. 7)
25% chance to cause Confuse.
A legendary magic sword said to have been bestowed upon a wicked priest by an evil god of chaos back in ancient times. It had been hidden away in the Orthodoxy's treasure vault, but sensing its dangerous power, Yulyana took it and sealed it away.
[Attack: Confuse (low)]
Night Emperor BD Night Emperor 45 90 99,999 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
25% chance to cause Charm.
A rare sword that has been steeped in a special aphrodisiac that charms those it cuts. Forged by request of a few eccentric dilettantes, its rarity makes it an extremely pricey weapon.
[Attack: Charm (low)]
Durandal BD Durandal 50 90 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B10)
The renowned sword of the legendary hero Roland. Its name means "eternal blade." Of all the weapons Yulyana took from the Orthodoxy, Durandal is said to have been the most perilous, but try as he might to destroy it, he failed to cause so much as a scratch.


The job best suited for wielding axes is the Pirate. Any job can be well suited to wield axes when equipped with the Axe Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for axes are charged by defeating enemies with physical attacks.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Mythril Axe Bravely Default Mythril Axe 22 85 -3 1200 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A double-bladed axe that a stalwart blacksmith forged from mythril steel mined in Eisenberg. The use of rare and precious mythril necessitated a rather small axe head, but its keen edges can cut through plate armor with ease.
Tomahawk Tomahawk 30 85 -3 Chest: Florem Gardens
Steal: Black Axefighter (Ch. 3)
A small axe widely used for both warfare and everyday chores, including hunting and chopping lumber. While it has slightly lower Accuracy and Critical Rate than other weapons, it can easily deliver a heavy blow from its weighty head.
Viking Axe BD Viking Axe 36 85 -3 4800 Buy: Grandship
Find: SS Funky Francisca
+50% damage to Aquatic monsters.
An unrefined but practical axe from battles onboard ships. A favorite of pirates, its dual axe heads make it easy to wield, even in chaotic battles. It deals the most damage against aquatic monsters.
Flare Hatchet Bravely Default Flare Hatchet 39 85 -3 Chest: Underflow (2F)
Steal: Magician (Ch. 3)
Deal Fire damage.
A small axe imbued with the power of magma. Although it is mentioned in the myths concerning Eisenberg's founding and images of it can be found graven into ruins throughout the land, no one has ever laid eyes upon it nor knows the secrets behind its forging.
Cross Axe Bravely Default Cross axe 41 85 -3 Chest: Engine Room (B28)
Steal: Kobold (Ch. 5-8)
+50% damage to Demonkind.
A sacred axe said to have been wrought through divine guidance to banish evil during the long battle between man and demon that was waged in the dim, distant past. It deals high damage to demonic monsters.
War Axe Bravely Default War Axe 44 85 -3 18000 Buy: Eternia
Steal: Barbarossa (Ch. 3)
An axe forged in the best possible shape for use in battle. Designed by a famous weaponsmith in Florem, its handle-features wave-like patterns and other embellishments that speak to the playfulness of the people of that land.
Giant Axe BD Giant Axe 58 60 -3 Drop: Gigas Lich (Ch. 4-8)
Steal: Gigas Lich (Ch. 4)
A massive, single-bladed axe said to have been favored by a legendary race of giants. It is extremely thick and heavy, and its terrible destructive force is only matched by the terrible difficulty of wielding it. An amusing legend tells of how it was once used as a ship anchor back in the Golden Age of Piracy.
Heavy Axe Bravely Default Heavy Axe 52 85 -3 40000 Buy: Grandship (Ch. 6-8 airship)
Steal: Barbarossa (Ch. 5-6)
An incredibly heavy double-headed axe forged by a team of five stalwart blacksmiths. Thick and durable enough to withstand a point-blank cannon blast and sharp enough to chop down a ship's mast in a single swing.
Grinder Axe Bravely Default Grinder Axe 50 85 -3 39400 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
25% chance to cause Dread.
An infamous magic axe said to sow fear among mortals. Its name derives from an ancient parable about tenacity and determination—the story of a block of metal the size of an axe that was crafted and polished into the finest needle.
[Attack: Dread (low)]
Death Axe Bravely Default Death Axe 51 85 -3 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B4)
Blue Chest: Miasma Woods (Central)
Steal: Barbarossa (Ch. 7)
Casts Kill on use.
Rumored to be a great axe that could exorcise the sins and sicknesses that infest the mortal world. A terrible curse said to be capable of eradicating all heathens and heretics is graven upon its gigantic crescent-shaped blades.
[Effect when used: Kill]
Earthbreaker BD Earthbreaker 60 85 -3 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B4)
Deal Earth damage.
An oddly-shaped, double-headed axe that the gods bestowed upon the race of giants. It is said that they showed their allegiance to the gods by using this axe to carve the Sky Continent from the earth. This mighty axe can rend earth, bore through bedrock, carve out stone, and smash geological formations.
Labrys Bravely Default Labrys 53 85 -3 100000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
+50% damage to Beasts.
Fox Tail Bravely Default Fox Tail 54 85 -3 100000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase Agility by 20.


All spears gain a 25% damage bonus when attacking multiple enemies at once. The jobs best suited for wielding spears is the Valkyrie and Merchant. Any job can be well suited to wield spears when equipped with the Spear Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for spears are charged by inflicting physical damage.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Spear Spear BD 4 90 2 Initial: Ringabel
Chest: Lontano Villa (1F)
Steal: Sky Pikeman (Intro)
A simple weapon consisting of a sharp metal point at the end of a long shaft. Spears and other polearms like them add a power modifier when attacking multiple foes at once.
Mythril Spear Bravely Default Mythril Spear 17 90 2 900 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A spear with a sharp tip and blades underneath. It was forged by a master smith from mythril steel mined in Eisenberg. Though its beautiful shape often results in this weapon being put on ceremonial display, it makes for a powerful weapon with deadly potential on the battlefield.
Valkyrie Halberd Bravely Default Valkyrie Halbred 22 90 2 1850 Buy: Florem
Drop: Einheria (Ch. 2)
A winged spear fashioned after those wielded by mythical women warriors. Though designed by a famous weapon designer of Florem, critics call it difficult to use. It truly shines when used in jumping attacks, but only a chosen few can draw upon its full potential.
Halberd Bravely Default Halberd 27 90 2 4500 Buy: Hartschild
A polearm with a small axe blade below its spearhead, and opposite that, a bladed hook, enabling the weapon to be used for slashing, thrusting, striking, and hooking. Even today, where soldiers are heavily armored and cannon use has spread throughout the lands, halberds are a common weapon of many armies.
Glaive Bravely Default Glaive 29 90 2 Chest: Grapp Keep (1F)
Steal: Lilith (Ch. 4), Duchy Pike Guard (Ch. 4)
A polearm believed to have originated when some sort of blade or knife was affixed to the end of a long shaft. Refined through the ages, it came to resemble a large, bladed spear top that even neophytes of the battlefield could wield with deadly effect.
Trident BD Trident 31 90 2 Chest: Engine Room (B29)
Steal: Skull Lancer (Ch. 5-8)
Deal Lightning damage.
The legendary three-pronged spear believed to have been wielded by the sea god in the mythical age before the advent of Crystalism. Its three-pronged tip is imbued with the power of lightning, allowing it to add a lightning effect to each attack.
Cross Spear Bravely Defualt Cross Spear 33 90 2 14000 Buy: Eternia
+50% damage to Undead.
A cross-shaped spear fashioned after the weapon wielded by a hero of Wa, an island nation that vanished centuries ago. It is imbued with the divine power of exorcism, allowing to deal devastating damage against undead creatures.
Lü Bu's Spear BD Lü Bu's Spear 35 90 2 8000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
The crescent, halberd-like weapon favored by Lü Bu, the legendary "Flying General" and great warrior who rode a crimson steed capable of traveling a thousand leagues a day.
Holy Lance BD Holy Lance 35 90 2 Chest: Eternian Central Command (48F)
Steal: Melusine (Ch. 4), Einheria (Ch. 5-6)
Deal Light damage.
A legendary weapon revered as a holy relic by the Crystal Orthodoxy, which believes it is imbued with divine power. The Orthodoxy uses it to stage miracles. Each attack adds a light effect.
Crimson Spear BD Crimson Spear 37 90 2 27000 Buy: Starkfort (Ch. 5-8 exterior)
A spear of the land of Wa, an island nation that vanished centuries ago. Its bright red shaft was the symbol of the mightiest warrior of a clan, capable of staining the silvery spearhead with the crimson blood of his foes.
Longinus BD Longinus 39 90 2 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B2)
Blue Chest: Witherwood (Interior)
Steal: Einheria (Ch. 7)
+50% damage to Aquatic.
The fateful spear that a soldier is said to have used in the execution of a legendary prophet who was the savior of his people but was eventually captured by the land's occupiers who feared his influence. It is said to be a holy relic because it was bathed in his blood. It deals special damage against aquatic monsters.
Gungnir BD Gungnir 45 90 2 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B9)
A throwing spear from northern mythology that the god of death and war is said to have used to herald the outbreak of war and the death of enemies. It has the almost mystical power of always hitting its target and then returning to its thrower's hand.
Silver Glaive Bravely Default Silver Glaive 41 90 2 100000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase M.DEF by 19.
Donnerschlag Bravely Default Donnerschlag 42 90 2 100000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Deal Lightning damage.


The job best suited for wielding rods are the Black Mage, Performer, Vampire, Arcanist, and Summoner. Any job can be well suited to wield rods when equipped with the Rod Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for rods are charged through the use of offensive magic.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Rod Rod BD 2 2 90 60 Buy: Caldisla
A small, short staff employed by common clergy and mages in simple rituals and for other uses. A jewel is mounted at the tip to heighten its bearer's magic power.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Mythril Rod Mythril Rod BD 9 9 90 750 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Chest: Temple of Wind (2F)
An exquisite rod with a head of high-grade Eisenberg mythril fashioned by a veteran craftsman. When equipped, it raises magic attack more than normal rods, which is why it costs slightly more.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Rod of Fire Bravely Default Rod of Fire 12 12 90 1500 Buy: Florem
Fire attack deal 10% more damage.
A rod crowned with a jewel imbued with the power of fire. When equipped, it raises magic attack and the effect of fire attacks.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Fire attack]
Rod of Ice Bravely Default Rod of Ice 15 15 90 3800 Buy: Grandship
Steal: Mephilia (Ch. 2)
Water attack deal 10% more damage.
A rod crowned with a jewel imbued with the power of ice. When equipped, it raises magic attack and the effect of water attacks.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack, +Water attack]
Wizard's Rod Bravely Default Wizard's Rod 17 17 90 9000 Buy: Eternia
Steal: Ominas (Ch. 5-6)
A rod that raises magic attack more effectively than conventional rods. Invented and developed in Eternia and then successfully mass produced using the advanced technology of Ancheim.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
Poison Rod Bravely Default Poison Rod 19 19 90 20000 Buy: Ancheim (Ch. 5-8)
Steal: Victoria (Ch. 4-5)
50% chance to cause Poison.
An accursed rod crowned with a crystal of powerful venom refined by a Netherworld cleric living in seclusion in an unknown land.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
[Attack: Poison (high)]
Lilith's Rod BD Lilith's Rod 20 20 90 Drop: Ominas (Ch. 7-8)
Chest: Vampire Castle (7F), Dark Aurora (5F)
Use: Aspir.
The rod said to have been used by Lilith, a night demon and bringer of nightmares who appears in many myths throughout the ages. She is said to come at night in a beautiful guise to slay children and expecting mothers.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
[Effect when used: Aspir]
Wonder Rod BD Wonder Rod 21 21 90 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B4)
Blue Chest: Everlast Tower (3F)
Drop: DeRosa (Ch. 7)
Use: Random Black Magic.
A rod inadvertently created by a famous craftsman of magic items who served the Crystal Orthodoxy. Considered to be a failure. It can evoke a variety of black magic on command, but the wielder cannot name the target.
[Effect when equipped: +Magic attack]
[Effect when used: Random black magic]
Demon's Rod BD Demon's Rod 25 25 90 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B5)
Dark attack deal 10% more damage.
A rod brimming with tremendous magic power, wrought in the form of a musical instrument of a barbarian tribe, said to be capable of communicating with demons. It is one of the magic weapons Yulyana took from the Orthodoxy and sealed away.
Mace Bravely Default Mace 9 90 300 Buy: Ancheim
A bludgeoning weapon made from thick steel plates fashioned into a cross shape and attached to a handle. It is effective against armored foes, but equipping it does not boost magic attack. This weapon was developed so black mages could join battles when they want to conserve MP.
Ogre's Club Bravely Default Ogre's Club 10 90 150 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Lightning attack deal 10% more damage.
A mace fashioned in the likeness of the weapons said to have been wielded by the ogres of Wa, an island nation that vanished centuries ago. Though it is much smaller than the weapon of legend, it is still extremely heavy.
[Effect when equipped: +Lightning attack]
Battle Mace BD Battle Mace 27 90 4800 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
A bludgeoning weapon made from a spiked iron ball attached to a handle. This cruel weapon delivers both bludgeoning damage thanks to its weight and piercing damage from its spikes.
Hammer Mace Bravely Default Hammer Mace 30 90 Chest: Engine Room (B29)
Drop: Duchy Mage Guard (Ch. 4)
A simple, hammer-like mace that armies have been using since ancient times as both a tool and a weapon. Besides combat, it is used for driving stakes into the ground, building encampments, and battering down gates and other obstructions.


All staves impart a 25% damage bonus when attacking multiple enemies at once. The job best suited for wielding staves are the White Mage, Performer, Merchant, Time Mage, Salve-Maker, Vampire, Spiritmaster, and Monk. Any job can be well suited to wield staves when equipped with the Staff Lore support ability. Stave's Special moves are charged by using healing magic.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Staff Staff bd 2 90 10 Buy: Caldisla
Increases MND by 1.
A staff made from a branch imbued with spirit power. It raises mind and boosts the user's magic attack and healing magic. Staves add a power modifier when attacking multiple foes at once.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
Mythril Staff Bravely Default Mythril Staff 11 90 600 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Steal: Chairman Profiteur (Ch. 1)
Increase MND by 2.
A staff crowned with a large piece of mythril that has been refined using a special technique. The mythril's magic power dramatically raises mind.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
Jade Crosier Bravely Default Jade Crosier 15 90 1200 Buy: Florem
Steal: Khamer (Ch. 1)
Increases MND by 3.
A staff crowned with a ring of jade imbued with Spirit Power. It is said to have been carried by priests from an island nation that vanished from the pages of history centuries ago.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
Staff of Life Bravely Default Staff of Life 22 90 12000 Buy: Eternia
Steal: Praline (Ch. 3)
Increases MND by 5, Use: Casts Cure.
Imbued with the power of healing, this staff was developed through the white studies conducted at Everlast Tower. Raising it up and chanting bestows the cure effect on desired targets.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
[Effect when used: Cure]
Yggdrasil Staff Bravely Default Yggdrasil Staff 17 90 23000 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks (Ch. 5-8), Miasma Woods (Ch. 5-8)
Steal: Victor (Ch. 4-5)
Increases MND by 7, Use: Casts Esuna.
A staff with a surface layer of wood from Yggdrasil, which is believed to grow somewhere in this world. The staff is imbued with great Spirit Power and exorcism power. Raising it up and chanting bestows the esuna effect on a single target.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
[Effect when used: Esuna]
Gale Staff Bravely Default Gale Staff 26 90 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B5)
Blue Chest: Grand Mill Works (2F)
Increases MND by 6, Wind attack deal 20% more damage.
A beautiful staff imbued with the Spirit Power of wind. Long held by the vestals of the Temple of Wind, it was lost several generations ago when it was lent to the King of Ancheim, straining relations between the temple and the royal family to this day.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind, +Wind attack]
Demon's Staff Bravely Default Demon's Staff 30 90 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B3)
Increases MND by 8, Deal Dark damage.
A dark staff said to be imbued with the power of a demon feared by mortals long before the advent of Crystalism. The menacing power ceaselessly emanating from this staff is believed to add a dark effect to its attacks.
Sage's Staff Bravely Default Sage's Staff 16 90 1500 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increases MND by 4, Use: Casts Raise]]
A miraculous staff that a great sage long ago is said to have imbued with the power to resurrect the dead. Raising it up and chanting bestows the raise effect on a single target.
[Effect when equipped: +Mind]
[Effect when used: Raise]
Oaken Pole Bravely Default Oaken Pole 13 90 250 Buy: Ancheim
A quarterstaff made from the branch of a hardwood tree. This long, unrefined bludgeoning weapon does not deliver any added effects, such as increased Spirit Power. It makes a good weapon for monks well-versed in its use and for white mages who want to participate in combat while conserving MP.
Simian Staff Bravely Default Simian Staff 11 90 300 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
2x damage against multiple enemies.
A quarterstaff fashioned to resemble a legendary weapon said to have been used by the Monkey King. It does not lengthen and contract at will as told of in legends, but it is an unexpectedly effective weapon.
[Effect when equipped: +Modifier when attacking multiple targets]
Iron Pole BD Iron Pole 34 90 3000 Buy: Grandship (Ch. 3 pre-evacuation, Ch. 5-8)
Steal: Land Turtle (Ch. 2)
An incredibly heavy yet flexible quarterstaff made from a bundle of steel rods, wrapped in several layers of thin steel sheets. This long bludgeoning weapon is strong enough to easily snap an ordinary sword in two.
Diamond Staff BD Diamond Staff 38 90 Buy: Grandship
Chest: Underflow (2F)
Steal: Daedalus (Ch. 4)
A quarterstaff formed by crystallizing diamond powder by means of a special technique. It is revered for its beautiful form and often used for ceremonial purposes. While not as hard as actual diamond, this bludgeoning weapon still manages to be highly flexible as well as durable.


The jobs best suited for wielding daggers are the Thief, Merchant, Ninja, Salve-Maker, Vampire, Performer and Ranger. Any job can be well suited to wield daggers when equipped with the Dagger Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for daggers are charged by using items.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Dagger Dagger bd 2 95 3 50 Initial: Tiz, Agnès
Buy: Caldisla
A common, double-edged dagger. It is one of the most popular self-defense weapons thanks to its light weight, ease of use, and low price.
Mage Masher Mage masher bd 3 95 3 1500 Chest: Ruins of Centro Keep (2F)
Steal: Merchantry Blade (Ch. 1)
25% chance to cause Silence.
A miraculous dagger that seals magic, developed to counter the fierce attacks of the Lontano Mage Legion during Caldisla's ancient war of unification. The method of its making has been lost, but those unearthed on ancient battlefields are being restored and used once more.
[Attack: Silence (low)]
Carving Knife Bravely Default Carving Knife 6 95 3 150 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Though it may look like a regular kitchen knife, it is far from it. This single-edged knife is said to have belonged to the masked namahage monster from a festival event of an island nation that vanished centuries ago.
Kukri Bravely Default Kukri 10 95 3 350 Buy: Ancheim
A curved knife used by a small tribe that lives in the tropics. Its main uses were originally limited to hunting and foraging, but an arms trader who discovered its bloody potential brought it to Harena as an instrument of war.
Thief's Knife Thief's knife bd 12 95 3 Drop: The Jackal (Ch. 6-7)
Chest: Harena Ruins (B2 hidden)
Steal: The Jackal (Ch. 5)
Use: Mug.
The knife favored by a legendary thief that terrorized the people of the Harena region. It was lost after being stolen by another thief who was wearing thief gloves.
[Effect when used: Mug]
Mythril Dagger Mythril dagger 15 95 3 700 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Chest: Temple of Wind (1F)
A double-edged dagger with a blade forged from mythril steel from Eisenberg. Thanks to its extremely sharp blade, it has the potential to deal damage on par with an iron long sword.
Frenzy Dagger Bravely Default Frenzy Dagger 20 95 3 1200 Buy: Florem
25% chance to cause Berserk.
A cruelly shaped hunting dagger once used by a barbarian tribe wiped out by the Crystal Orthodoxy. The dagger bears a curse that can place those it cuts into a berserk state.
[Attack: Berserk(low)]
Ripper Bravely Default Ripper 23 95 3 Drop: Death Pirate (Ch. 2)
Chest: Mount Fragmentum (West)
+50% damage to Humanoids.
A curiously shaped knife said to have been favored by a certain maniacal murderer. The irregular shape of its blade allows it to reliably sever the victim's blood vessels and nerves, resulting in a high probability of a critical hit.
Main-Gauche Bravely Default Main-Gauche 22 95 3 3500 Buy: Hartschild
Increase EVD by 20.
The name of this dagger comes from the term "left hand." It is used as a secondary weapon in combination with a long sword, the main weapon. It features a large guide and provides a boost to Evasion comparable to equipping a shield.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Orichal Dagger Bravely Default Orichal Dagger 27 95 3 5000 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
An extremely rare, double-edged dagger forged for one month straight by a seasoned blacksmith who used a natural magma-heated smelting furnace to instantly melt orichalcum, a rare metal mined in Eisenberg. Current technology is unable to forge orichalcum weapons any larger than a dagger.
Kunai Kunai bd 27 95 3 Find: Hartschild
Drop: Kikyo (Ch. 3 & 5-7)
Chest: Starkfort (4F)
Steal: Kikyo (Ch. 3)
Increase EVD by 20.
A stealthy weapon from the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. It is believed to be a kind of shuriken that was the preferred weapon of a school of ninjas known as the Koga.
[Effect when equipped: +Evasion]
Assassin Dagger BD Assassin Dagger 29 95 3 10000 Buy: Eternia
Chest: Eternian Central Command (48F)
25% chance to cause Death.
Five centuries after the Crystal Orthodoxy was founded, assassins targeted many of its high officials. This dagger, favored by an assassin who was captured and executed by the High Inquisitor of the time, is revered by the shadowy ones as the Orthodoxy's bane.
[Attack: Death(low)]
Gladius BD Gladius 32 95 3 24000 Buy: Hartschild (Ch. 5-8)
A variety of short sword supplied to the heavy foot soldiers of ancient Eisenberg. This one was excavated and restored to a battle-worthy state. It is one of the largest and broad-bladed of all short swords, and soldiers favor its simple, easy-to-wield form, which is very effective in hand-to-hand combat.
Air Knife BD Air Knife 34 95 3 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B6)
Blue Chest: Harena Ruins (2F)
Steal: Qada (Ch. 7)
Deal Wind damage.
A knife with mystical ornamentation on a beautiful blade imbued with the power of Wind. Several air knives were stored at the Temple of Wind until a thief broke in and stole them.
Yatagarasu Bravely Default Yatagarasu 40 95 3 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B2)
Increase EVD by 25.
A renowned short sword from Wa, a land vanished from the pages of history centuries ago. It is said to have the power of the sacred three-legged crow that appears in the legends of the land's birth.
Falcon Knife Bravely Default Falcon Knife 36 95 3 88230 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
Increase AGI by 20.
Magic Knife Bravely Default Magic Knife 1 25 95 3 100000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)


All bows grant a 50% damage bonus against flying targets. The job best suited for wielding bows is the Ranger. Any job can be well suited to wield bows when equipped with the Bow Lore support ability. The bow's Special Attacks are charged by exploiting enemy/family weaknesses.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Iron Bow Iron bow bd 22 95 Chest: Harena Ruins (B2)
Steal: Sky Archer (Intro)
A simple bow made of iron. It is tightly drawn, but due to its low flex, high Attack cannot be expected unless the user is quite strong. This makes it difficult to use, but it has the potential to deliver a great deal of damage to flying targets.
Mythril Bow Mythril bow bd 34 95 850 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
A longbow with a reasonable amount of flex, thanks to the thin plating of Eisenberg mythril steel carefully wrapped around an inner steel frame. It has the potential to deliver a great deal of damage to flying targets.
Composite Bow BD Composite Bow 44 95 1950 Buy: Florem
30% chance to cause Poison.
A bow reinforced with a combination of materials that may include animal horn, tendon, bone, and different kinds of wood. This not only strengthens the bow, it raises its flexibility, allowing it to deliver even greater force with each arrow.
[Attack: Poison (low)]
Birch Bow Bravely Default Birch Bow 49 95 Drop: Bone Hunter (Ch. 3)
Chest: Twilight Ruins (B2)
+50% damage to Demonkind.
A short bow made from wood of the birch tree, said to be the ideal material for bows. Its exquisite flex allows even weak individuals to loose arrows with a great deal of force. The sound of its bowstring is believed to have a warding effect, and it can deal heavy damage to demons.
Aeolian Bow BD Aeolian Bow 54 95 3600 Buy: Grandship
Chest: Witherwood (Central)
A powerful yet flexible bow made from the talons of a giant vulture. It looses gale-force arrows that can deal heavy damage to flying monsters.
Angel's Bow BD Angel's Bow 56 95 3500 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
25% chance to cause Charm.
A whimsical bow made of silver and adorned with pink feathers. It offers excellent flex at normal temperatures. It comes with arrows tipped with heart-shaped arrowheads that have a charm effect on its targets.
[Attack: Charm (low)]
Gale Bow BD Gale Bow 60 95 Chest: Underflow (2F)
Steal: Dark Stomper (Ch. 3)
Use: Haste.
A rare item made from the feathers and strong, flexible tendons of a giant vulture.
[Effect when used: Haste]
Killer Bow BD Killer Bow 66 95 14800 Buy: Eternia
25% chance to cause Death.
A bow specially constructed to be completely silent when loosing arrows, but the tradeoff is less range and power. It is used by assassins and others who required stealth.
[Attack: Death (low)]
Ancient Bow Bravely Default Ancient Bow 70 95 Chest: Everlast Tower (1F)
Steal: Skull Hunter (Ch. 5)
25% chance to cause Paralyze.
An arcane bow, its origins are lost far back in the mists of time. A spell-like engraving is carved into the back of the bow in ancient crystal runes.
[Attack: Paralyze (low)]
Elven Bow Bravely Default Elven Bow 72 95 21000 Buy: Florem (Ch. 5-8)
25% chance to cause Confuse.
A fairy bow with a lovely design attributed to elvenkind, a legendary race of humanoids who are said to have guarded Yggdrasil in ancient times.
[Attack: Confuse (low)]
Yoichi's Bow BD Yoichi's Bow 76 95 20 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B6)
Blue Chest: Twilight Ruins (B2)
Steal: Artemia (Ch. 7)
An asymmetrical bow said to have been used by the famous archer Yoichi from the land of Wa, an island nation that vanish several centuries ago. It delivers a high Critical Rate and overwhelming Attack, but it is said to take considerable time before it can be mastered.
Artemis's Bow BD Artemis's Bow 90 95 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B6)
A bow said to have been used by Artemis, a goddess of hunting and chastity told of in ancient myth from before the time of Crystalism.


The job best suited for wielding katanas are the Swordmaster, and Dark Knight. Any job can be well suited to wield katanas when equipped with the Katana Lore support ability. The Special Attacks for katanas are charged by Defaulting in battle.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Ise-no-Kami BD Ise-no-Kami 20 90 15 Initial: Edea
Drop: Ominas (Ch. 5), Braev the Templar (Ch. 6)
A razor-sharp, single-edged sword known as a katana. It originated in the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. This is one of the blades favored by Swordmaster Kamiizumi, but he bestowed it upon his beloved pupil Edea for her first battle.
Nodachi Nodachi bd 28 90 15 Chest: Mount Fragmentum (East)
Steal: Black Blade (Ch. 3)
A razor-sharp, single-edged sword known as a katana. It originated in the land of Wa, a mysterious island nation that vanished centuries ago. Though they were once produced in large quantities, they are now quite rare. Its curved blade is well suited for slashing.
Osafune Bravely Default Osafune 30 90 15 3500 Buy: Grandship
A masterpiece made by a swordsmith from the land of Wa, which vanished centuries ago. It is forged from mythril steel in place of the special steel he usually used. The secret of its making was passed on from master to apprentice, down to the present day.
Raikiri Bravely Default Raikiri 32 90 15 Chest: Engine Room (B29)
Steal: Mailed Dragon (Ch. 4)
Deal Lightning damage, wearer is immune to Lightning.
A famous katana said to have cut down a lightning strike. It is featured in legends from the land of Wa, which vanished centuries ago. The charge that remains within its blade adds a lightning effect to its attack.
[Effect when used: Nullify lightning]
Kotetsu Bravely Default Koetsu 34 90 15 14500 Buy: Eternia
Steal: Kamiizumi (Ch. 3)
This katana bears the name of a master smith from the land of Wa, a long-lost island nation. Kotetsu's straight edge, known for devastating sharpness, is said to be cable of splitting stones and iron helms. The secret of its making has been lost, so no new blades of this kind are being produced.
Kiku-Ichimonji BD Kiku-Ichimonji 36 90 15 Chest: Everlast Tower (3F)
Steal: Kamiizumi (Ch. 5-6)
Swords made by the master smith Norimune from the lost land of Wa are known as Kiku-ichimonji Norimune. They are said to be slender and refined, but legends never mention the existence of a straight sword by Norimune. If it truly is of his making, it is an epoch-making find.
Masamune BD Masamune 39 90 15 27000 Buy: Grandship (Ch. 5-8)
Drop: Kamiizumi (Ch. 5-7)
Steal: Alternis (Ch. 4)
The works of Masamune, a master swordsmith from the legendary lost land of Wa, sometimes bear his name. However, many of the blades he made do not, which makes it difficult to appraise their authenticity. The existence of multiple apprentices and offshoot schools only compounds the difficulty.
Muramasa BD Muramasa 41 90 15 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B10)
Blue Chest: Starkfort (2F)
Steal: Kamiizumi (Ch. 7)
Use: Defang.
This katana bears the name of Muramasa, a famous swordsmith from the lost land of Wa. It came to be feared as cursed after it claimed the lives of the shogun's grandfather, father, and eldest son.
[Effect when used: Defang]
Mutsu-no-Kami BD Mutsu-no-Kami 48 90 15 62000 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
A masterpiece single-edged katana that is so slightly curved that it almost qualifies as a straight sword. Created by Mutsu-no-Kami Yoshiyuki. It was wielded by Saitaniya, a leader of a successful rebellion in the land of Wa, which vanished centuries ago.
Ama-no-Murakumo BD Ama-no-Murakumo 51 90 15 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B7)
+50% damage to Dragonkind.
It is said that this sword issued forth from the giant tail of Yamata-no-Orochi when it was slain by the god Susano-o during the land of Wa's age of myth. It later came to be known as Kusanagi and became one of the three sacred relics handed down since ancient times.


The job best suited for wielding knuckles is the Monk. The Special Attacks for Knuckles are charged by scoring critical hits.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Iron Knuckles Iron knuckles 14 90 3 280 Buy: Ancheim
Chest: Ruins of Centro Keep (3F hidden)
An iron weapon worn on the hand to make punches more deadly. Its extremely short reach makes this a poor choice for anyone who has not yet mastered hand-to-hand combat.
Thumbing Claws Bravely Default Thumbing Claws 17 90 3 Chest: Grand Mill Works (2F)
Steal: Catamount (Ch. 2)
40% chance to cause Blind.
This knuckle guard has claws that move with the snap of the wrist to gouge the target's eyes.
[Attack: Blind (medium)]
Mythril Knuckles Mythril knuckles 21 90 3 500 Buy: Yulyana Woods Needleworks, Miasma Woods
Knuckles forged from mythril steel mined in Eisenberg. The guard portion and spikes are forged separately to exploit the tremendous repulsive force between two separate pieces of mythril steel when subjected to an impact.
Spiked Knuckles Bravely Default Spiked Knuckles 34 90 3 1200 Buy: Florem
Steal: Dragon (Ch. 1)
Sharp steel spikes attached to a thick steel knuckle guard. The spikes extend the reach over plain knuckles and deliver substantial damage to opponents. This weapon can easily break knives and other smaller weapons.
Bastet Claws Bravely Default Bastet Claws 23 90 3 600 Buy: Adventurer (Norende Reconstruction)
+50% damage to Beasts.
Named after the feline goddess Bastet, it looks exactly like a cat's paw. This exceptional weapon deals special damage to beasts and is popular among certain collectors.
Hammer Knuckles Bravely Default Hammer Knuckles 46 90 3 4200 Buy: Starkfort (exterior)
Heavy knuckles completely encased in a thick lead and steel cover. Its sturdy construction allows it to deal major damage, even through armor, and stop a blow from a large axe.
Toxic Claws Toxic claws 49 90 3 9800 Buy: Eternia
40% chance to cause Poison.
A knuckle glove with hollow claws. Upon impact, it delivers poison to an opponent through its claws.
[Attack: Poison (medium)]
Divine Fists Bravely Default Divine Fist 60 90 3 Buy: Eternia (Ch. 5-8)
Chest: Eternian Central Command (48F)
Deal Light damage.
Knuckles adorned with heavenly spikes that add a light effect to attacks.
Hadean Claws Bravely Default Hadean Claws 80 90 3 Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B10)
Blue Chest: Vampire Castle (1F)
Steal: Barras (Ch. 7)
Deal Dark damage.
The dark weapon used by the lord of the underworld who plotted to overthrow the gods during the Age of Myths. He used this vile weapon to slay all he suspected of betraying him, even his own wife and son.
Kaiser Knuckles BD Kaiser Knuckles 95 90 3 Blue Chest: Dimension's Hasp (B8)
Knuckles of the legendary conqueror and god of fists who was driven out of the celestial realm during the Age of Myths. It is said he wore them on both hands when waging his fierce war against the lord of the underworld in the land of mortals.


The unarmed weapon counts as Knuckles for the purpose of specials, however unlike Knuckles one can equip a shield in their second hand. Monks can also boost the power of unarmed using the Knuckle Lore skill, boosting its attack power to twice ones level.

Weapon Image P.ATK M.ATK Aim Critical Cost Acquire
Unarmed Bravely Default Unarmed Default when not equipped with a weapon
Nothing equipped.

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