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Bravely Default Wiki
Elemental Ward from BDII

Elemental Ward in Bravely Default II

Elemental Ward is a recurring supportive spell in the Bravely series. It temporarily increases the target's resistance to a selected element, and it is usually part of some support-focused magic skillset.


Bravely Second: End Layer[]

Elemental Ward is a level 2 Astral Magic spell. It erects a barrier around a chosen target that halves the damage they take from a selected element for four turns. It costs 3 MP to use. It can be bought in Ancheim and Chompshire for 400 pg.

Bravely Default II[]

Elemental Ward is a Divination spell, available at job level 9 for the Oracle job. It increases a target's resistance to a selected element for three turns. It costs 32 MP to use.

Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]

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To ward is to turn something unwanted away, which this spell does to damage from elemental attacks.
