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BD-FF boat


Scr GrandshipMap BS

Map of the grandship.

Grandship (グランシップ, Guranshippu?) is a location in Bravely Default and Bravely Second: End Layer. Originally known as the Sinking Nation, it later revealed to be a giant airship and serves as the heroes' main means of transport as their adventure draws to a close.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

Bravely Default[]

Grandship was an airship that, several hundred years ago, became stuck in the Sea of Corsairs, due to an engine failure. While some believe that the nation was founded by a legendary pirate, others believe the ship existed before recorded history. In any case, Grandship became a floating nation. Having no military, it was neutral in all affairs and served as a vital supply port for ships crossing the sea. Grandship was ruled by a council that was notoriously slow to act.

The wind vestal Agnès Oblige and her allies arrive at Grandship while traveling to Eisenberg in search of the Fire Crystal. There, they meet with the Proprietress of Grandship's tavern, who points them to Zatz. Zatz had come to ask Grandship's council to aid the Shieldbearers in their war against the Swordbearers. After this task proved unsuccessful, Zatz chose to return to Eisenberg with the wind vestal.

During their travels, the wind vestal and her companions return to Grandship, while searching for a way to defeat Praline à la Mode, a member of the Black Blades who was empowering Swordbearers through song. The Proprietress tells the group of Arca Pellar, a deceased singer whose technique could drown out Praline's singing.

After Agnès awakened the Fire Crystal, the group found that they had no way to go to Eternia, home of the Earth Crystal, due to the mountains and high lands that divided the continent. Choosing to return to Grandship to regroup, the travelers discovered that the massive ship was finally sinking. The council, acting swiftly for the only time in their history, had commandeered the lifeboats and left the residents behind. Agnès and the others decide to try to save the ship, and learned of the necessity of Orichalcum from ancient writings. Gaining the necessary component, Agnès and her party, successfully use the Orichalcum to revive the ship's engines. Much to the surprise of everyone on the ship, Grandship rose into the air, revealing its true nature as a massive airship. Ringabel pilots Grandship, allowing the group to travel to Eternia, and later to the Holy Pillar.

After performing a ritual in the Holy Pillar, the group finds themselves in a parallel world, where they need to reawaken the crystals. Luckily, Grandship had also traveled to the world, shortening the travel time between crystals. The group is forced to repeat this task three more times. Each time Grandship entered the Holy Pillar, it became more beaten up. The final time, Grandship barely held together and was in danger of failing.

Each parallel world visited had its own version of Grandship, still in its immobile, sinking state.

Bravely Second: End Layer[]


Spoilers end here.


Grandship serves as the final airship for the party. The ship's functions are accessed by a menu command. It is capable of traveling faster and higher than the Eschalot. The ship can be piloted manually, or by an autopilot feature, which will automatically take the party to a chosen location. The ship can be summoned while on the world map, but is incapable of landing in some locations, such as forests or the narrow mountain passes of Eternia. While over water, the player can deploy the Eschalot, so long as the Water Crystal is awakened and the water is not rotted.

As the ship is also a town, the player, by entering the ship's menu, can enter the ship itself and access the Inn and shops on board.


Bravely Default[]

Bravely Second: End Layer[]


Bravely Default[]


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Bravely Second: End Layer[]


Item Price
Potion 20
Hi-Potion 150
X-Potion 1500
Phoenix Down 100
Ether 20
Turbo Ether 5000
Antidote 10
Eye Drops 20
Echo Herbs 25
Wakeup Bell 20
Balsam 100
Magic Bottle 200
Remedy 500
Teleport Stone 100
Spell Price
Curaga 6400
Aeroga 6400
Firaga 6400
Blizzaga 6400
Haste 400
Quake 400
Regen 800
Quick 800
Quara 1600
Gravity 1600
Comet 3200
Hastega 3200
Weapon Price
Colichemarde 10000
Viking Axe 12000
Rod of Ice 7500
Gale Staff 6000
Assassin Dagger 7000
Gale Bow 8500
Spiked Knuckles 11000
Claymore 13000
Brown Bess 12500
Armor Price
Cross Shield 6000
Tricorne 2000
Dragon Cap 3000
Bassinet 4000
Dalmatica 7000
Viking Coat 8000
Fluted Armor 10000
Accessories Price
Gauntlets 1000


Template:Navbox transportation
