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Holy Arts is a skillset in Bravely Default for the Templar job. It focuses on physical damage and defense against physical damage from foes. Most of its abilities are MP based.

List of abilities[]

Ability Job Level Cost Description
Heart Strike 1 1 BP Unleash an attack for a guaranteed critical hit that deals two times the damage of a conventional attack.
Giant Slayer 4 16 MP Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to one opponent with more HP than you.
Rampart 7 2 BP Form a shield around all allies that prevents one physical attack.
Radiant Blast 9 40 MP Unleash a light-based physical attack on one target that ignores Default's damage reduction effect and deals 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack.
Desperation 12 Attack by adding the value of your physical defense to your physical attack. However, your physical defense will be reduced to minimum for that turn.
*The lower limit for P.Def is 75%.
Heaven's Gate 14 3 BP Make a number of random light elemental attacks equal to BP.