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Hunting is a skillset for the Ranger in Bravely Default . It allows the user to inflict extra damage to specific enemy families.
List of abilities [ ]
Job Level
12 MP
Deal 1.25 times the damage of a conventional attack.
Bug Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the bug family.
Plant Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the plant family.
Beast Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the beast family.
Aerial Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the aerial family.
Aquatic Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the aquatic family.
Dragon Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the dragonkind family.
Undead Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the undead family.
Demon Slayer
8 MP
Deal 1.5 times the damage of a conventional attack to members of the demonkind family.
Gallery [ ]
Allusions - Artwork - Characters - Locations - Timeline - Translations - Version differences
Initial Freelancer
Miscellany - Late Bloomer - Examine - Treat - Divining Rod - Dungeon Master - Mislead - Prayer - MP 10% Up - Endure - Poison Immunity - JP Up - Flee - Lure Enemy - Stand Ground - Mimic
Eternian Sky Knights AsterisksMonk
Martial Arts - Strong Strike - Knuckle Lore - Inner Alchemy - HP 10% Up - Invigorate - Hidden Dragon - Qigong Wave - Blind Immunity - P.Attack 10% Up - HP 20% Up - Pressure Point - HP 30% Up - Phoenix Flight - Natural Talent
White Mage
White Magic - White Magic Lv.1 - M.Defense 10% Up - White Magic Lv.2 - Staff Lore - Self-Healing - White Magic Lv.3 - Abate Water - Angelic Ward - White Magic Lv.4 - M.Defense 30% Up - White Magic Lv.5 - Epic Group-Cast - White Magic Lv.6 - Conservation of Life
Black Mage
Black Magic - Black Magic Lv.1 - Rod Lore - Black Magic Lv.2 - Abate Fire - Damage Dispersion - Silence Immunity - Black Magic Lv.3 - Black Resonance - Black Magic Lv.4 - M.Attack 20% Up - Black Magic Lv.5 - Pierce M.Defense - Black Magic Lv.6 - Group-Cast All
Chivalry - Stomp - Two-Handed - P.Defense 10% Up - Ironclad - Protect Ally - Shield Strike - Shield Lore - Vengeance - Sword Lore - Full Cover - Dual Shields - P.Defense 30% Up - Chivalrous Spirit - Super Charge
Khamer & Profiteur Merchantry AsterisksThief
Thievery - Steal - Abate Wind - Speed 10% Up - Life Thief - Speed 20% Up - Mug - Raid - Dagger Lore - Godspeed Strike - Master Thief - Rob Blind - Shake Down - Speed 30% Up - Burgle and Buff
Commerce - Pay to Play - Salesman - White Knight - Pharmacy - Hedge Risk - Takeover - BP Drink - Speculate - More Money - Millionaire - Big Pharma - Full Leverage - Low Leverage - Payoff
Spell Fencer
Sword Magic - Sword Magic Lv.1 - Sword Magic Lv.2 - Firewall - Sword Magic Lv.3 - Auto-Aspir Blade - Magic Armor - Sword Magic Lv.4 - Memento - Sword Magic Lv.5 - Anti-Magic - Sword Magic Amp - Sword Magic Lv.6 - M.Def Specialize - Phantom Weapon
Time Mage
Time Magic Time Magic Lv.1 - M.Attack 10% Up - Slow Parry - Time Magic Lv.2 - Time Slip - Time Magic Lv.3 - Stop Immunity - Time Magic Lv.4 - Save TM MP - Time Magic Lv.5 - Slow World - Time Magic Lv.6 - M.Attack 30% Up - Hasten World
Bloodrose Legion AsterisksRanger
Hunting - Targeting - Bug Slayer - Plant Slayer - Beast Slayer - Paralyze Immunity - Aerial Slayer - Aquatic Slayer - Bow Lore - Dragon Slayer - Undead Slayer - Demon Slayer - Hawkeye - Precision - Multiburst
Summoning Summoning Lv.1 - Abate Lightning - Summoning Lv.2 - Summoning Lv.3 - Friendship - Summoning Amp - Summoning Lv.4 - Summoning Lv.5 - Summon Substitute - Summoning Lv.6 - Convert MP - Summoning Surge - Summon in Pinch - Amp Friends
Acrobatics - Crescent Moon - Jump - Land - Spear Lore - Judgement - Spirit Barrier - Soul Crush - BP Skill Amp - Decimate - High Jump - Pierce Default - Soul Mates - Aerials - Sky High - Super Jump
Red Mage
B/W Magic Lv.1 - MP 20% Up - B/W Magic Lv.2 - Turn Tables - MP Free in a Pinch - B/W Magic Lv.3 - Adrenaline - Save Magic MP - BP Recovery - B/W Magic Lv.4 - Revenge - Revival - An Eye for an Eye - In the Red
Black Blades AsterisksSalve-Maker
Medication - Compounding - First Aid - Experiment - Attack Item Amp - Inoculate - Auto-Potion - Shorten Ailment - Widen Area - Healing Lore - Turn Toxic - Auto-Phoenix - Collect - Resurrect - Feel No Pain
Singing - Love Power - Love Rush - One More for You - Got Your Back - Key to Your Heart - Support Amp - Little Devil - Catch Me - Buff Up - Prolong Support - Charm Immunity - Save Singing MP - Zero Sum - My Hero
Piracy - Double Damage - Provoke - Shell Split - Scale Strip - Shin Smash - Mass Attack - Berserk - Adrenaline Rush - P.Attack 20% Up - Defang - Skull Bash - Axe Lore - Torrent - Amped Strike
Ninjutsu - Shippûjinrai - Transience - Evade 10% Up - Utsusemi - Comeback Kid - Ikkikasei - Cleave - 20% Up - Shunshin - Kairai - Dual Wield - Kakuremi - Evade 30% Up - Frenetic Fighting
Bushido - Nothing Ventured - Abate Earth - Katana Lore - Squeaky Wheel - Multitask - Counter - Confusion Immunity - Before Swine - Counter Amp - Know Thine Enemy - Redoubled Effort - The Worm Turns - Slow and Steady - Free Lunch
Council of Six AsterisksArcanist
Ritualism - Corpse - Black Magic Amp - Exterminate - Absorb M. Damage - Twilight - Save BM MP - Sacrifice - Zero - Convergence - Annihilation - Status Ailment Amp - Iniquity - Max Black Magic - Interment
Spiritism - Spirit Ward - Auto-Shell - M.Defense 20% Up - Fairy's Aid - Convert BP - Save WM MP - Adaptation - Stillness - Holy One - Greater Spirit Ward - Fairy Ward - Moderation - Enigma - Maximize HP
Holy Arts - Heart Strike - Abate Light - P.Defense 20% Up - Giant Slayer - Magic Critical - Default Guard - Rampart - Item Critical - Radiant Blast - Critical Amp - BP Limit Up - Desperation - Armor Lore - Heaven's Gate
Dark Knight
Dark Arts - Dark Bane - Abate Dark - Adversity - Demon Master - See You in Hell - Minus Strike - Helm Lore - Black Bane - Gloom - Absorb Magic - Dark Nebula - P.Attack 30% Up - Life or Death - Rage
Vampirism - Genome Ability - Absorb P. Damage - Blood Thirst - Bloodlust - Charm - Magic Thirst - Monster Ability Up - Battle Thirst - Subvert - Self-Restore - Absorb Stats - Drain Attack Up - Genome Drain - Rise from Dead
Invocation - Invocation Lv.1 - Steady MP Recover - Invocation Lv.2 - Critical MP Recover - Invocation Lv.3 - Save SM MP - Post-Battle MP - Invocation Lv.4 - Obliterate - Invocation Lv.5 - Max Summoning - MP 30% Up - Invocation Lv.6 - Experience Up