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The Eternian Forces have deployed this new golem to defend Central Command. It stops intruders with Freezing Punch and wipes them out with <Blizzard Blast>.


The Ice Golem is a boss in Bravely Default. It is fought shortly after the party enters the Eternia Region.



The Ice Golem relies on its powerful physical attacks. Its normal strike will do a large amount of damage, and its Freezing Punch will do even more, with a chance to inflict Stop. In addition to it's powerful physicals, it also possesses Blizzard Blast which it will use occasionally to a devastating effect for unprepared parties.


A simple strategy in defeating the Ice Golem is to form an entire team of Ninjas, who have learned Utsusemi and Transience. At the start of battle, the player should have the party use Utsusemi and repeat this cycle if the Ice Golem attacks them, damaging itself in the process because of Transience's counterattack. If the Ice Golem uses Blizzard Blast the attack will miss, though Utsusemi's guaranteed evasion is removed and Transience will not trigger so the player must be sure to reapply Utsusemi should this happen. If the player is willing to spare the item, Bacchus's Wine may make the battle relatively easier if using this strategy as the Ice Golem is vulnerable to Berserk.



Related enemies[]
