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Template:Infobox album Luxendarc's Big Diary (ルクセンダルク大紀行, Rukusendaruku Daikikō?, lit. Luxendarc's Big Travelogue) is an album of tracks from Bravely Default. It was arranged by Revo and Akira Senju, with the former doing the writing and composing, and performed by Sound Horizon, under the project, Linked Horizon. The album features vocals from many of Sound Horizon's members, including Revo, Joelle, and RIKKI. It was released on September 19, 2012.

Track list[]

  1. "Theme of Linked Horizon"
  2. "Luxendarc Travel" (ルクセンダルク紀行, Rukusendaruku Kikō?)
    Remix of the country themes. Composed by Revo with vocals by Mao, Ceui, RIKKI, Joelle, Daisy×Daisy, and Miwa Kominato.
  3. "Under A Hollow Moon [Vocalized Version]" (虚ろな月の下で, Utsuro na Tsuki no Shita de?)
    Composed by Revo with vocals by RIKKI.
  4. "You're My Hope [Vocalized Version]" (君は僕の希望, Kimi wa Boku no Kibō?)
    Tiz Arrior's theme. Composed by Revo Suzuki with vocals by Mao.
  5. "Windward [Vocalized Version]" (風の行方, Kaze no Yukue?)
    Agnès Oblige's theme. Composed by Revo with vocals by Ceui.
  6. "The Gongs of Battle [Long Version]" (戦いの鐘, Tatakai no Kane?)
  7. "Baby Bird [Vocalized Version]" (雛鳥, Hinadori?)
    Edea Lee's theme. Composed by Revo with vocals by Miwa Kominato.
  8. "The Vagrant of Love [Vocalized Version]" (愛の放浪者, Ai no Hōrō-sha?)
    Ringabel's theme. Composed by Revo who also provides vocals.
  9. "Love in the Crossfire [Long Version]" (純愛十字砲火, Jun'ai Jūji Houka?)
    Praline à la Mode's theme. Composed by Revo with vocals by Daisy×Daisy.
  10. "World of Scattering Flowers"[Vocalized Version]" (花が散る世界, Hana ga Chiru Sekai?)
    Composed by Revo with vocals by Joelle.
  11. "Prayer of the Vestal [Strings Quartet Version]" (巫女の祈り, Miko no Inori?)
  12. "Ballad to Hope [Long Version]" (希望へ向う譚詩曲, Kibou e Mukau Tanshikyoku?)
    Composed by Revo with vocals by Revo and Joelle.

Limited edition[]

A limited edition of the album was also released. It contains an almost identical track listing as the normal edition bar the removal of the sixth track "The Gongs of the Battle". As a replacement, "Picopico Battle Medley" appears as the twelfth track of the limited edition.

The tracks of the limited edition are as follows:

  1. "Theme of Linked Horizon"
  2. "Luxendarc Travel" (ルクセンダルク紀行, Rukusendaruku Kikō?)
  3. "Under A Hollow Moon [Vocalized Version]" (虚ろな月の下で, Utsuro na Tsuki no Shita de?)
  4. "You're My Hope [Vocalized Version]" (君は僕の希望, Kimi wa Boku no Kibō?)
  5. "Windward [Vocalized Version]" (風の行方, Kaze no Yukue?)
  6. "Baby Bird [Vocalized Version]" (雛鳥, Hinadori?)
  7. "The Gongs of Battle [Long Version]" (戦いの鐘, Tatakai no Kane?)
  8. "The Vagrant of Love [Vocalized Version]" (愛の放浪者, Ai no Hōrō-sha?)
  9. "Love in the Crossfire [Long Version]" (純愛十字砲火, Jun'ai Jūji Houka?)
  10. "World of Scattering Flowers"[Vocalized Version]" (花が散る世界, Hana ga Chiru Sekai?)
  11. "Prayer of the Vestal [Strings Quartet Version]" (巫女の祈り, Miko no Inori?)
  12. "Picopico Battle Medley" (ピコピコ戦闘曲メドレー, Picopico Sentōkyoku Medley?)

See also[]

External links[]

Template:Navbox music
