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Magnolia is a brave, if eccentric, fighter from the Moon. Her mission? To intercept and destroy the fearsome entities known as Ba’als. She seems to have taken a real liking to Yew.

Online description

Magnolia Arch is a playable character in Bravely Second: End Layer. She is a Ba'al Buster from the Moon who first appeared in a special movie in Bravely Default announcing the sequel.

Magnolia is bilingual in the language of the Moon and the common language of Luxendarc. In the Japanese release (and French and Korean translations), her second language is English, while in the English release (and Italian, German, and Spanish translations), her second language is French, spoken with a slight accent.



Magnolia's appearance changes according to which asterisk she is currently equipped with. She has red eyes and long white hair with a white magnolia flower. Her normal outfit consists of a short indigo dress with slits on the sides and two extended "tails" in the back. Her bell sleeves are white and black and she wears black gloves. She wears black, white and indigo boots. She also has a white collar that covers her shoulders.

Alternate outfits[]

Magnolia has several alternate outfits that can be bought at various locations. Some of these outfits are censored in the English version.

Her Planeswarden Garb resembles her normal outfit, but is colored black with a different design on the sleeves. She also wears her hair in a bun. Her Research Lab Coat outfit consists of a white long-sleeved dress shirt over a short black dress, black tights and black high-heeled shoes. She wears black half-rim glasses, a silver locket and her hair is tied a ponytail without the flower. Her Washcloth outfit is simply a white towel wrapped around her. She wears her hair in a yarnball bun and is barefoot. The Freelancer Garb is simply her default outfit.

Magnolia shares a few outfits with Edea and Agnès from Bravely Default. The first is Agnès's Bravo Bunny outfit, called Bonsoir Bunny, but with reversed colors. Her teddy and rabbit ear headband is black with white tips. Her gloves are also colored white with a black bow on each side. Her boots are white with a black bow on the back of each. She is also missing her flower. The second is Edea's Garb, called Vestal Garb, which consists of a tight black form-fitting outfit with armor-plated chest piece, sleeves, and boots. She has platemail on each side of her hips, a decorative hairpin on the left side and is not wearing her flower. The third is Edea's Military Cadet-in outfit, called Cadet Uniform, which consists of a short black dress with white stripes and a white shrug around her shoulders. She wears white tights and black boots with a brown bag hanging around her left shoulder. Her long hair is worn down and wavy.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

Magnolia is a seasoned warrior who serves as part of the Ba'al busters charged with the defense of the Moon and the world from monsters known as Ba'als. About a year before the events of Bravely Second, a powerful Ba'al attacked the Moon destroying Fort-Lune and killing all of the Ba'al buster unit except for Magnolia and her commanding officer Appleberry. This motivated them to create a small one-person craft that would travel to Luxendarc in order to hunt down the Ba'al. This is shown to be Magnolia's largest concern as the Ba'al that destroyed her home is currently on board Kaiser Oblivion's Skyhold.

Magnolia herself is a highly curious and romantic person who takes great pleasure in traveling Luxendarc. She had lived her entire life on the Moon and is amazed with the many cultures and locations throughout the world. She often pepper's her speech with the native language of the Moon, especially when excited or upset. She tends to enjoy moments that others would not, like when the small boat the party used was springing leaks, stating how exciting it was while the others were trying to remove the water. This culture clash, however, leads to a misunderstanding between Yew and herself.

After finding her unconscious, Yew used a magnolia flower to rouse her from her slumber. Due to the culture related to flowers on the Moon, Magnolia interpreted the flower as a marriage proposal from Yew. Magnolia's feelings for Yew developed from this moment and even after the misunderstanding had been cleared between the two, Magnolia still continued to develop a strong interest in Yew, a feeling that was eventually reciprocated.


Ah, la vache! (Oh, my God!)

Magnolia speaking Moonlish (the language of the Moon)

A year after the Ba'al Diamante ravaged the moon, Arch gave chase after the monster on a Buster ship that crash lands in Gravemark Village where Yew and Edea were sleeping. Yew investigates the ship alone, while Edea was still asleep in the room. Inside the ship, he finds the unconscious Arch, reviving her with a magnolia flower he found. Once she wakes up. Upon realizing Yew could not understand her native language, she spoke in his tongue. Relieved, Yew gave her the flower so that she would be able to recover. Upon receiving the flower from someone she just met, believing Yew wants to marry her, Arch is moved to tears. When Yew asks for her name, she hesitates before being inspired by the flower to introduce herself as Magnolia Arch.

Accompanying Edea and Yew to Eternian Central Command, Magnolia parted ways with them when they learn the Glanz imperials are alerted to Tiz Arrior's revival. Magnolia takes out the guards, doctors and scientists in the room, using Bravely Second to defeat a beana-cell infected Gigas Lich. After freeing Tiz from captivity, she then says he is lucky to live in the same era as she regroups with the others.

Over time, Magnolia learns more of Luxendarc as she and the others manage to save the world from the force behind the Ba'als, Providence. Though she was to return to the Moon, Magnolia instead leaves the repaired Buster ship before it lifts off. After Yew finally admits his feelings for Magnolia, she returns the sentiment by telling him her true name and the marital significance it represents in her people's culture.

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Spoilers end here.


BS Battle

Magnolia in battle.

Like all characters in the Bravely series, Magnolia's appearance, stats, and abilities change depending on the currently assigned job, she joins the party at level 6. Her base stats upon joining show that her Mind and MP stats excels above every other members in the party, which can benefit support classes, such as the Bishop or White Mage, she also posses the hightest Agility and the second highest Intelligence, similarly to Tiz however her other stats remain balanced, the player should keep in mind however that base stats don't ultimately determine a character's competence on a particular job, and that any of the party members can do any job without major drawbacks due to stat differences.



1 150 61 9 9 10 11 8 8
2 169 67 9 9 10 11 8 8
3 189 72 10 10 11 12 9 9
4 210 75 10 10 11 12 9 9
5 232 80 11 11 12 13 10 10
6 255 84 11 11 12 13 10 10
7 279 91 12 12 13 14 11 11
8 304 97 12 12 13 14 11 12
9 330 102 13 13 14 15 12 12
10 357 105 14 14 15 16 13 13
11 385 110 14 14 15 16 13 13
12 414 114 15 15 16 17 14 14
13 444 121 15 15 16 17 14 15
14 475 127 16 16 17 18 15 15
15 507 132 16 16 17 18 15 16
16 540 135 17 17 18 19 16 16
17 574 140 17 17 18 19 16 17
18 609 144 18 18 19 20 17 18
19 645 151 19 19 20 21 18 18
20 682 157 19 19 20 21 18 19
21 720 162 20 20 21 22 19 19
22 759 165 20 20 21 22 19 20
23 799 170 21 21 22 23 20 21
24 840 174 21 21 22 23 20 21
25 882 181 22 22 23 24 21 22
26 925 187 23 23 24 25 22 22
27 969 192 23 23 24 25 22 23
28 1014 195 24 24 25 26 23 23
29 1060 200 24 24 25 26 23 24
30 1107 204 25 25 26 27 24 25
31 1155 211 25 25 26 27 24 25
32 1204 217 26 26 27 28 25 26
33 1254 222 26 26 27 28 25 26
34 1305 225 27 27 28 29 26 27
35 1357 230 28 28 29 30 27 28
36 1410 234 28 28 29 30 27 28
37 1464 241 29 29 30 31 28 29
38 1519 247 29 29 30 31 28 29
39 1575 252 30 30 31 32 29 30
40 1632 255 30 30 31 32 29 31
41 1690 260 31 31 32 33 30 31
42 1749 264 32 32 33 34 31 32
43 1809 271 32 32 33 34 31 32
44 1870 277 33 33 34 35 32 33
45 1932 282 33 33 34 35 32 34
46 1995 285 34 34 35 36 33 34
47 2059 290 34 34 35 36 33 35
48 2124 294 35 35 36 37 34 35
49 2190 301 35 35 36 37 34 36
50 2257 307 36 36 37 38 35 37
51 2325 312 37 37 38 39 36 37
52 2394 315 37 37 38 39 36 38
53 2464 320 38 38 39 40 37 38
54 2535 324 38 38 39 40 37 39
55 2607 331 39 39 40 41 38 39
56 2680 337 39 39 40 41 38 40
57 2754 342 40 40 41 42 39 41
58 2829 345 40 40 41 42 39 41
59 2905 350 41 41 42 43 40 42
60 2982 354 42 42 43 44 41 42
61 3060 361 42 42 43 44 41 43
62 3139 367 43 43 44 45 42 44
63 3219 372 43 43 44 45 42 44
64 3300 375 44 44 45 46 43 45
65 3382 380 44 44 45 46 43 45
66 3465 384 45 45 46 47 44 46
67 3549 391 46 46 47 48 45 47
68 3634 397 46 46 47 48 45 47
69 3720 402 47 47 48 49 46 48
70 3807 405 47 47 48 49 46 48
71 3895 410 48 48 49 50 47 49
72 3984 414 48 48 49 50 47 50
73 4074 421 49 49 50 51 48 50
74 4165 427 49 49 50 41 48 51
75 4257 432 50 50 51 52 49 51
76 4350 435 51 51 52 53 50 52
77 4444 440 51 51 52 53 50 52
78 4539 444 52 52 53 54 51 53
79 4635 451 52 52 53 54 51 54
80 4732 457 53 53 54 55 52 54
81 4830 462 53 53 54 55 52 55
82 4929 465 54 54 55 56 53 55
83 5029 470 55 55 56 57 54 56
84 5130 474 55 55 56 57 54 57
85 5232 481 56 56 57 58 55 57
86 5335 487 56 56 57 58 55 58
87 5439 492 57 57 58 59 56 58
88 5544 495 57 57 58 59 56 59
89 5650 500 58 58 59 60 57 60
90 5757 504 58 58 59 60 57 60
91 5865 511 59 59 60 61 58 61
92 5974 517 60 60 61 62 59 61
93 6084 522 60 60 61 62 59 62
94 6195 525 61 61 62 63 60 63
95 6307 530 61 61 62 63 60 63
96 6420 534 62 62 63 64 61 64
97 6534 541 62 62 63 64 61 64
98 6649 548 63 63 64 65 62 65
99 6765 555 64 64 65 66 63 66

Musical themes[]

In Bravely Second, Magnolia's theme is called "Theme of Magnolia". During her "Special Move" sequence, "Le Grand Jeu" is played.

Other appearances[]

Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]

Magnolia appears as an obtainable unit.

Bravely Archive[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]


Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Dragon Quest X[]

Magnolia's flower head accessory is given to players who finished the Bravely Second demo then use the Dragon Quest X Convenient Tool For Adventures On the Go 3DS app.

Rise of Mana[]

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Lord of Vermilion III[]

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World Cross Saga[]

Magnolia appears as an obtainable character.

Other media[]


Magnolia appears on sticker sets for the LINE communications app wearing her Freelancer outfit from Bravely Second: End Layer. The sticker sets she appears in are titled "Bravely Stickers - Volume 1"[1] and "Bravely Stickers - Volume 2".[2]


An upcoming PVC figure for Magnolia Arch was announced to be in production.[3]


Bravely Second: End Layer
Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights





  • In the first conversation on Magnolia's bracelet she refers to herself as No. 10345:Arch.
  • Magnolia's Research Lab Coat outfit is actually the attire of Vega.
  • When writing in Yew's Diary, Magnolia writes in blue and her icon is a magnolia.
  • In a party chat in Harena after meeting Jackal, Magnolia and Yew are seen playing in the sand together. In their pretend battle, Magnolia refers to herself as "Princess Ariane of the Moon Desert." This could be a nod to Ariadne and Krinjh from Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.

