Bravely Default Wiki
Bravely Default Wiki

Confident and charming, the rakish Ringabel remembers nothing of the past. The future is another story—this maidens' man possesses a mysterious journal that tells him his destinations and the people he will meet.

Online description

Ringabel is a playable character in Bravely Default. An amnesiac with attitude, he's found in possession of the enigmatic D's Journal, which seems to foretell events that will occur in the future.

He also appears in Bravely Default: Praying Brage and Bravely Second: End Layer.

D's Journal entries[]

Though my memory is gone, this name seems engraved upon my mind somehow. A tattered journal is my sole remaining possession. Who am I?

A man of unknown age, currently experiencing amnesia. Clearly a man of high morals. Taciturn and reflective, I believe I am a gentleman well-liked by all.

  • Likes: Spicy things, juicy things
  • Dislikes: Sweet things



Ringabel has mid-length pale blond hair styled into a pompadour and light tan eyes. He wears small silver stud earrings. Ringabel's appearance changes according to which asterisk he is using. Across the jobs, he dons the male version of the outfits similar to Tiz, and has a blue theme where applicable.

His default outfit consists of a light blue shirt with fur around the collar and black elbow length gloves. He wears black pants, a white belt with white pouches hanging on each side and black boots. As Alternis Dim, Ringabel wore a dark suit of armor with his helm obscuring his face.

In Bravely Second, Ringabel wears his Dark Knight armor, forgoing the helmet once he reveals himself to the party. Also, he has a white and aqua blue bow, matching Edea's bow, tied around his right gauntlet.

Alternate outfits[]

Ringabel has several alternate outfits released as part of downloadable content in the Japanese release, which can be obtained in-game in the Western release. Wakoku Warrior is unavailable in the Western release.

The Melodist's Shirt consists of a long gold high-collared jacket with red accents. He wears a white dress shirt and a white cravat with a blue gem in the center. He wears tan pants and red boots. His Plain Tunic is simply his Freelancer outfit. His Wakoku Warrior outfit is simply a long white scarf around his neck and a white loincloth. He wears brown gladiator sandals and has brown bands wrapped around each wrist. When summoned while wearing this costume in the Western releases, it is replaced with the Plain Tunic.


Ringabel is an amnesiac casanova, seducing women with his adolescent charm. Despite his flirtatious demeanor, he seems genuine in his desire to find his "angel" and from time to time serves as counselor for some of the other characters and gives rare pearls of wisdom that show a cautious and wise side to his otherwise frivolous personality.

Ringabel later learns that he was Alternis Dim, his personality being a solemn warrior who takes his duties seriously and loyal to the Lee family with little hesitation. After regaining his memory Ringabel adopts traits of his original personality and becomes slightly more serious and less flirty.


Bravely Default[]

BDFF Screenshot Ringabell

Ringabel arriving in Caldisla.

My angel of fate...

Ringabel after looking into D's Journal

Prior to his memory loss, Ringabel was Alternis Dim, a member of Eternia's Council of Six who is a victim of a dimensional paradox. Orphaned at a young age, Alternis was found by Braev Lee who raises him before he became an officer in the forces of the Duchy of Eternia. During his travels, Alternis kept a journal of his activities, D's Journal, as he gave the Eschalot to the Sky Knights and infiltrated Caldisla to survey its defenses. During his stay, the Great Chasm opened and swallowed up the village of Norende.

After two weeks, he returned to the Duchy and was given a new mission to study the changes stemming from the Great Chasm as Edea joins up with Tiz Arrior and the wind vestal Agnès Oblige on their quest. Alternis has feelings for the Grand Marshal's daughter Edea Lee, taking her sudden betrayal hard as he attempted to secure her safety while dealing with halting the wind vestal Agnès Oblige from awakening the crystals.

During his journey Alternis made an enemy out of Qada when he came to the aid of a boy named Egil who was being tortured for knowledge on the location of the Fire Crystal. When Egil took him through the Underflow to reach the Temple of Fire, Alternis was confronted by Agnès's group and nearly died were it not for Qada's torturous healing prior to being placed in a White Magic stasis chamber by Victor to fully heal from his burns.

Once in top condition again, Alternis learned from Braev that the true threat is Agnès's cryst-fairy guide Airy. After Agnès awakened all four crystals, Alternis attempted to confront them at the Holy Pillar with the goal of killing the fairy from completing the ritual. Once there, Alternis was forced to watch Edea and the others die by Airy's hand as he ended up in another world's newly created Norende Ravine. Losing his memory upon reaching Caldisla with only D's Journal on his person, Alternis gained the name "Ringabel" from the residents as they have met his counterpart of their world and filled in certain gaps of his memory.

A week after his arrival, when Ominas Crowe burned down the old house he took residence in, using D's Journal under the notion it is a tome telling future events, Ringabel joins Agnès and Tiz to meet Edea, whom he refers to as his angel. Ringabel aids the others in battling the Alternis of their world, and is shocked to see his face before the dark knight falls off the Grandship. Ringabel begins to question their journey when he regains parts of his memory after confronting another version of the dark knight. After he regains all of his memories in the Third World, Ringabel remembers he was the Alternis of a world that Airy already visited, and that the fairy is evil. Ringabel confides this information to Tiz, asking him to tell Agnès. During his time in the Third World Ringabel defeats the Alternis of that world to spare him the fate he and the two previous Alternises suffered.

BS D's Journal FMV SS

Edea with D's Journal.

After helping the others defeat Ouroboros, Ringabel sets off to return to his own world. It is ambiguous on whether or not he succeeds. The Pocketbook of R novels detail his adventures after crashing in a completely different Luxendarc where he ultimately departs to return to the Fifth World. In the novels' sequels he succeeds and finds Tiz's body unmoving in Caldisla. On Yulyana's orders, he journeys for one and a half years to search for a way to revive him. On the eve of his return, he is warned of Agnès's impending danger, but before he can act, he finds himself in another predicament involving two parallel worlds.

Bravely Second: End Layer[]

Ringabel assists Edea, Tiz, and their new allies, Yew Geneolgia and Magnolia Arch, while posing as Alternis Dim. Ringabel first appears to save the group from Yōko and her illusions surrounding the Sword of the Brave, and later saves Edea from Geist Grace in Florem. He tracks Yōko down to the Vampire Castle and fails to confront her, losing his helmet in the process, which the party later finds when they enter the mansion. When Yōko delves into Edea's heart after leading the party deeper into the castle, Ringabel comes to Edea's aid and reveals himself to the others along with explaining his mission as an agent of Dimensional Bureau to pursue Yōko. He joins the others in the battle against her and following her defeat, he is forced to leave due to the secretive nature of his job; however, he promises Edea that they will meet again.

Ringabel is last heard reporting back to the vice president of the bureau, confirming the existence of the third key, the Sword of the Brave.


Bravely Default[]


Ringabel in battle.

Ringabel's stats shift depending on his current job class, he joins the party at level 5. Ringabel has the highest Dexterity and Agility, making him the fastest of the group. Though his Mind stat is the lowest, his Intelligence stat is the second best. His MP and HP are also balanced, which can be helpful for the Ninja and Thief classes, the player should keep in mind however that base stats don't ultimately determine a character's competence on a particular job, and that any of the party members can do any job without major drawbacks due to stat differences.



5 240 76 11 11 12 10 13 13
6 259 80 11 11 12 10 13 13
7 279 87 12 12 13 11 14 14
8 304 93 12 12 13 11 14 14
9 330 98 13 13 14 12 15 15
10 357 101 14 14 15 13 16 16
11 385 106 14 14 15 13 16 16
12 414 110 15 15 16 14 17 17
13 444 117 15 15 16 14 17 17
14 475 123 16 16 17 15 18 18
15 507 128 16 16 17 15 18 18
16 540 131 17 17 18 16 19 19
17 574 136 17 17 18 16 19 19
18 609 140 18 18 19 17 20 20
19 645 147 19 19 20 18 21 21
20 682 153 19 19 20 18 21 21
21 720 158 20 20 21 19 22 22
22 759 161 20 20 21 19 22 22
23 799 166 21 21 22 20 23 23
24 840 170 21 21 22 20 23 23
25 882 177 22 22 23 21 24 24
26 925 183 23 23 24 22 25 25
27 969 188 23 23 24 22 25 25
28 1014 191 24 24 25 23 26 26
29 1060 196 24 24 25 23 26 26
30 1107 200 25 25 26 24 27 27
31 1155 207 25 25 26 24 27 27
32 1204 213 26 26 27 25 28 28
33 1254 218 26 26 27 25 28 28
34 1305 221 27 27 28 26 29 29
35 1357 226 28 28 29 27 30 30
36 1410 230 28 28 29 27 30 30
37 1464 237 29 29 30 28 31 31
38 1519 243 29 29 30 28 31 31
39 1575 248 30 30 31 29 32 32
40 1632 251 30 30 31 29 32 32
41 1690 256 31 31 32 30 33 33
42 1749 260 32 32 33 31 34 34
43 1809 267 32 32 33 31 34 34
44 1870 273 33 33 34 32 35 35
45 1932 278 33 33 34 32 35 35
46 1995 281 34 34 35 33 36 36
47 2059 286 34 34 35 33 36 36
48 2124 290 35 35 36 34 37 37
49 2190 297 35 35 36 34 37 37
50 2257 303 36 36 37 35 38 38
51 2325 308 37 37 38 36 39 39
52 2394 311 37 37 38 36 39 39
53 2464 316 38 38 39 37 40 40
54 2535 320 38 38 39 37 40 40
55 2607 327 39 39 40 38 41 41
56 2680 333 39 39 40 38 41 41
57 2754 338 40 40 41 39 42 42
58 2829 341 40 40 41 39 42 42
59 2905 346 41 41 42 40 43 43
60 2982 350 42 42 43 41 44 44
61 3060 357 42 42 43 41 44 44
62 3139 363 43 43 44 42 45 45
63 3219 368 43 43 44 42 45 45
64 3300 371 44 44 45 43 46 46
65 3382 376 44 44 45 43 46 46
66 3465 380 45 45 46 44 47 47
67 3549 387 46 46 47 45 48 48
68 3634 393 46 46 47 45 48 48
69 3720 398 47 47 48 46 49 49
70 3807 401 47 47 48 46 49 49
71 3895 406 48 48 49 47 50 50
72 3984 410 48 48 49 47 50 50
73 4074 417 49 49 50 48 51 51
74 4165 423 49 49 50 48 51 51
75 4257 428 50 50 51 49 52 52
76 4350 431 51 51 52 50 53 53
77 4444 436 51 51 52 50 53 53
78 4539 440 52 52 53 51 54 54
79 4635 447 52 52 53 51 54 54
80 4732 453 53 53 54 52 55 55
81 4830 458 53 53 54 52 55 55
82 4929 461 54 54 55 53 56 56
83 5029 466 55 55 56 54 57 57
84 5130 470 55 55 56 54 57 57
85 5232 477 56 56 57 55 58 58
86 5335 483 56 56 57 55 58 58
87 5439 488 57 57 58 56 59 59
88 5544 491 57 57 58 56 59 59
89 5650 496 58 58 59 57 60 60
90 5757 500 58 58 59 57 60 60
91 5865 507 59 59 60 58 61 61
92 5974 513 60 60 61 59 62 62
93 6084 518 60 60 61 59 62 62
94 6195 521 61 61 62 60 63 63
95 6307 526 61 61 62 60 63 63
96 6420 530 62 62 63 61 64 64
97 6534 537 62 62 63 61 64 64
98 6649 544 63 63 64 62 65 65
99 6765 551 64 64 65 63 66 66

Bravely Second: End Layer[]

Ringabel is a guest character for a single battle. He assists the party during the battle against Yōko. Using Special Moves of the different weapon types, either dealing increasing amounts of damage or fully healing the party.

Creation and development[]


Ringabel is voiced by Spike Spencer in the English version.

He is voiced by Ryōta Takeuchi in the Japanese version.

Musical themes[]

Template:Audio In Bravely Default, Ringabel's theme is "Romantic Vagrant" and is played during his "Special Move" sequence.

"Romantic Vagrant" lyrics[]


世界に唯ひとり… あてどなく彷徨える…
此処は何処で… 今は何時で… 俺は誰なのか……
妖精が住まう深い森の 澄んだ泉のような
吸い込まれそうな瞳さ けれど… 君じゃない…
星屑の髪飾りを纏う 夜の帳のような
煌めいて靡く黒髪 けれど… 君じゃない…
Partial 【Love】 それは partial 【Light】
Partial 【Light】 されど past 【Link】
失った日々の鎖 儘 永遠の愛を求め彷徨う…
朝露をその身に浴びて尚 香る野薔薇のような
艶やかに濡れた唇 けれど… 君じゃない…
甘い言葉で誘える 賢しい毒蛇のような
しなやかに這う白い指 けれど… 君じゃない…
Partial 【Life】 それは partial 【Light】
過ぎ去った灯は篝火 燃え上がり闇に消えてゆく…
Partial 【Light】 されど past 【Lock】
失った日々の錠前 儘 唯一の鍵を其処へ誘う…
この胸の焔が… 真実の愛なのか…
惑う俺の横を走り抜けてゆく 少年に風を感じた
嗚呼… 彼と彼女が… やはり… そうなのか……
Partial 【Land】 それは partial 【Light】
過ぎ去った灯は郷愁 移ろいで揺れて消えてゆく…
故に… Partial 【Light】 されど past 【Lapse】
失った日々の空白 儘 現在の俺を過去へ繋げる…


Sekai ni tada hitori... Atedo naku samayoeru...
Koko wa doko de... Ima wa itsu de... Ore wa dare nano ka...
Kimi wa doko ni iru ?
Yousei ga sumau fukai mori no, sunda izumi no you na
Suikomare sou na hitomi sa, keredo... Kimi ja nai...
Hoshikuzu no kamikazari wo matou, yoru no tobari no you na
Kirameite nabiku kurokami, keredo... Kimi ja nai...
Partial 【Love】 sore wa partial 【Light】
Sugisatta hi wa gendou, ukande wa sugu ni kiete yuku...
Partial 【Light】 saredo past 【Link】
Ushinatta hibi no kusari, mama towa no ai wo motome samayou...
Kimi wa doko ni iru ?
Asatsuyu wo sono mi ni abite nao, kaoru nobara no you na
Tsuyaka ni nureta kuchibiru, keredo... Kimi ja nai...
Amai kotoba de izanaeru, sakashii dokuja no you na
Shinayaka ni hau shiroi yubi, keredo... Kimi ja nai...
Partial 【Life】 sore wa partial 【Light】
Sugisatta hi wa kagaribi, moeagari yami ni kiete yuku...
Partial 【Light】 saredo past 【Lock】
Ushinatta hibi no joumae, mama yuiitsu no kagi wo soko e izanau...
Kimi wa doko ni iru ?
Taisetsu na nanika wo... Mamorenakatta... You na... Ki ga... Shiteita...
Taisetsu na dareka wo... Suguenakatta... You na... Ki ga... Shiteita...
Kono mune no honoo ga... Shinjitsu no ai nano ka... Shokuzai ni chikai mono nanoka...
Madou ore no yoko wo hashirinugete yuku, shounen ni kaze wo kanjita
Mirai ga shiruzareta fushigi na ore no techou
Aa... Kare to kanojo ga... Yahari... Sou nano ka...
Partial 【Land】 sore wa partial 【Light】
Sugisatta hi wa kyoushuu, utsuroi de yurete kiete yuku...
Yue ni...  Partial 【Light】 saredo past 【Lapse】
Ushinatta hibi no kuuhaku, mama ima no ore wo kako e tsunageru...
Kimi wo motomete...


Alone in the world... I wander aimlessly...
Where am I...what time is it... who am I...
And where are you?
They are captivating eyes, much like the clear springs
In a forest where fairies reside, but...that isn't you...
It is brilliant and flowing black hair, much like the draping curtains of night
Decorated with stardust, but...that isn't you...
Partial love is partial light
Lights passed away are phantom shimmers, surfacing before disappearing instantly...
Partial light yet past link
With chains from days lost, wander in search for eternal love...
Where are you?
They are lustrous lips, much like wild roses
Whose fragrance still lingers after bathing in morning dew, but...that isn't you...
They are pale and slender fingers, slithering much like the sly viper
Lacing his sweet words with temptation, but...that isn't you...
Partial life is partial light
Lights passed away are dying bonfires, burning up before disappearing into the darkness...
Partial light yet past lock
With the lock of days lost, invite the one and only key towards there...
Where are you?
I felt like... I wasn't able to...protect something...important...
I felt like... I wasn't able someone...precious...
Are these flames in my heart...true love...or something closer to atonement...
A young boy rushed past me in my confusion, and I felt the presence of wind in him
My mysterious diary, in which the future is recorded
Ah...he and she are... I it really is like I expected...
Partial land is partial light
Lights passed away are feelings of nostalgia, fading away and disappearing into nothingness...
Therefore...partial light yet past lapse
With the blanks of days lost, link my present self to the past...
In search for you...

Other appearances[]

Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]

Ringabel appears as an obtainable unit.

Bravely Archive[]

Ringabel appears as an obtainable unit.

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Road to Dragons[]

File:RtD Ringabel Freelancer.png


Ringabel appears as an obtainable character. Ringabel comes with Freelancer, Ranger and Merchant jobs, each having an active and party ability.

Rise of Mana[]

Ringabel appears as a support character.

Fantasy Earth Zero[]

Ringabel's costumes appeared in a collaboration event.[2]

Sangokushi Rumble[]

Ringabel appears as an obtainable character.

Battle Champs[]

Ringabel makes an appearance as a collaboration character. His outfit is also available for players to wear.

Empire in the Storm[]

Ringabel appears as an obtainable character.

World Cross Saga[]

Ringabel appears as an obtainable character.

Valkyrie Anatomia[]

Other media[]


Ringabel appears on sticker sets for the LINE communications app wearing his Freelancer outfit from Bravely Default. The sticker sets he appears in are titled "Bravely Stickers - Volume 1"[3] and "Bravely Stickers - Volume 2".[4]


Bravely Default
Bravely Default: Fairy's Effect
Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights


"Ring a bell" is a figure of speech referring to when one begins to remember something, or for it to seem familiar to them. This ties in directly with Ringabel being established as a character with amnesia, and is implied by Ringabel himself to have been given to him as an ironic joke.


  • Ringabel's special costume is Melodist's Shirt.
    • The costume itself could be a reference to Revo, the game's music composer, because Revo composes and performs for a group called Sound Horizon where he wears various costumes, some being similar in design to the Melodist's Shirt.
  • Ringabel is the only party member who can pilot airships, such as the Eschalot and Grandship.

