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Spirit Magic (精霊魔法, Seirei Mahō?, lit. Spirit Magic) is a skillset in Bravely Default II. It consists primarily of spells that allow the user to summon fairies onto the battlefield for a short period of time to gradually support the party. In addition, they can learn several abilities to bestow boons onto a single party member, such as the restorative spells Regeneration and Reraise. Lastly, the skillset gives players the ability to use light-elemental spells, such as the Banish spells and Holy.

It can be used by the Spiritmaster job or by equipping the Spiritmaster as a character's sub job.

List of abilities[]

Name Level Cost Effect Image
Healthbringer 1 22 MP Summon a spirit that will restore all allies' HP three times at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Healthbringer from BDII
Healthbringer Effect from BDII
Banish 2 10 MP Perform a light magic attack on a target/all targets. Banish from BDII
Devotion 3 1 BP Restore a target's MP by an amount equal to 20% of the user's max MP. Devotion from BDII
Regeneration 4 30 MP Restore 10% of a target's HP at the end of their turn. Effect will remain until actively removed. Regeneration from BDII
Banishra 5 38 MP Perform a powerful light magic attack on a target/all targets. Banishra from BDII
Reraise 6 80 MP A selected ally will be automatically revived if knocked out. Effect will remain until target has been revived or effect is removed. Reraise from BDII
Spiritbringer 7 55 MP Summon a spirit that will restore all allies' MP three times at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Spiritbringer from BDII
Spiritbringer Effect from BDII
Basunabringer 9 33 MP Summon a spirit that will perform Basuna on all allies three times at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Basunabringer from BDII
Basunabringer Effect from BDII
Banishga 10 66 MP Perform an extremely powerful light magic attack on a target/all targets. Group Banishga from BDII
Purebringer 11 77 MP Summon a spirit that will remove status effects from all allies three times at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Purebringer from BDII
Holy 12 80 MP Perform an incredibly powerful light magic attack on a target. Holy from BDII
Lifebringer 13 2 BP Summon a spirit that will revive all allies three times at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Lifebringer from BDII
Lifebringer Effect from BDII
Bravebringer 15 2 BP Summon a spirit that will restore a BP to all allies three times, at regular intervals. Two spirits cannot be summoned at once. Summoning a new spirit will cause any existing spirit to disappear. Bravebringer from BDII
Bravebringer Effect from BDII