Bravely Default Wiki
Bravely Default Wiki
BD II Domenic Stop

Domenic using Stop in Bravely Default II

Stop (ストップ, Sutoppu?) is a recurring spell in the Bravely series. It attempts to inflict the status of the same name on a target, causing them to miss all their turns until it wears off. It is usually part of Time Magic or a related magic skillset.


Bravely Default[]

Stop is a level 5 Time Magic spell. It has a 75% chance to place the target in the stop state. It costs 10 MP to use. It can be bought in Eternia for 3200 pg.

Khamer uses the spell in all battles against him.

Bravely Second: End Layer[]

Stop is a level 5 Time Magic spell. It has a 75% chance to place the target in the stop state. It costs 10 MP to use. It can be bought in Caldisla and Chompshire for 6400 pg.

Khamer uses the spell when battled in both loops of the game.

Bravely Default II[]

Stop is a Divination spell, available at job level 8 for the Oracle job. It attempts to stop a target. It costs 44 MP to use.

Domenic uses this spell in all battles against him.

Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]

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To stop an entity means to make it unable to act, which this spell attempts to make the case for its target.

The Stop spell originates from the Final Fantasy series, originally appearing as a high-level paralysis-inflicting Black Magic spell in the original Final Fantasy. With the introduction of the Stop status in Final Fantasy IV, the Stop spell began inflicting it, and it first performed that effect as part of Time Magic in Final Fantasy V, just as it is in the first two Bravely games, with the Divination skillset in Bravely Default II being a variation on Time Magic.
