Thundara in Bravely Default II.
Thundara (サンダラ, Sandara?) is a recurring lightning-elemental spell in the Bravely series. It is the second lightning-elemental Black Magic spell that players have access to. It deals moderate lightning-elemental magic damage to enemies.
Bravely Default[]
Thundara is a level 3 Black Magic spell. It deals medium lightning damage to one target and can be group-cast. It costs 15 MP to use. It can be bought in Florem and Grandship for 800 pg.
The spell is used by Fiore DeRosa in all battles against him except the last.
Thundara is also a level 3 Sword Magic spell, learned from the same scroll. It imbues a weapon with a medium-power lightning effect for ten turns. This will raise attack power by the amount of the magic effect. It costs 15 MP to use.
Bravely Second: End Layer[]
Thundara is a level 4 Black Magic spell. It deals medium lightning damage to one target and can be group-cast. It costs 25 MP to use. It can be bought in Yunohana and Chompshire for 1600 pg.
Bravely Default II[]
Thundara is a Black Magic spell available at level 8 for the Black Mage job. The spell deals powerful lightning-elemental magic damage on a target or all targets on the field. When combined with the Red Mage's Nuisance specialty passive, it has a chance of inflicting the Paralysis and Confusion status on the damaged target. It costs 38 MP to cast.
Enemies are also able to use Thundara in battle. The damage inflicted varies on whether it is single or group casted on the targets.
Bravely Default: Praying Brage[]
Bravely Archive[]
Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending on the distance and nature of the lightning, thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide).
The Thunder series of spells originate from the Final Fantasy series of games. The spells were first introduced in the original Final Fantasy. In almost every installment, Thunder magic are often Black Magic spells and are some of the first attack spells available for players to use.