The Time Mage wears a bizarre outfit meant to evoke the image of a clock, representing their domain of magic.
They wear a black set of robes and boots embellished with silver lining and buttons, as well as a black cowl and a long cape. The cape for the males is grey at the top and dark orange at the bottom, with the colors blending into each other towards the middle, while it is black with a cream lining for females. They also wear an ornate bronze headpiece on top of their cowls, a bronze chestpiece in front of their robes, as well as a bronze gear behind their heads. The male version of the outfit also wears a bronze gorget with the Roman numeral III on the front and and a II on each shoulder. The female version has a grey corset and shows off their hair through their cowls. Edea's variant of the outfit has flared sleeves and she wears grey leggings with black spats.
Enables the use of level 1 time magic: Slow, Regen, and Quake. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
M.Attack 10% Up
1 slot
Raise Magic Attack by 10%.
Slow Parry
1 slot
Has a 50% chance to apply slow to your attacker when taking a single-target physical attack.
Time Magic Lv.2
MP cost varies by spell
Enables the use of level 2 Time magic: Haste, Teleport, and Quara. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Time Slip
3 slots
Return to the start of a battle if the entire party is wiped out. Note that even if multiple characters have this support ability, the effect only occurs once per battle. *SP is not returned.
Time Magic Lv.3
MP cost varies by spell
Enables the use of level 3 Time Magic: Gravity, Veil, and Slowga. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Stop Immunity
1 slot
Confer immunity to stop during battles.
Time Magic Lv.4
MP cost varies by spell
Enables the use of level 4 Time Magic: Hastega, Veilga, and Comet. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Save TM MP
2 slots
Lower the MP cost of time magic by 25%.
Time Magic Lv.5
MP cost varies by spell
Enables the use of level 5 Time Magic: Quick, Stop, and Quaga. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
Slow World
2 slots
Lower the BP of all allies and enemies by one once every two turns. This works even if the character with this support ability is in the K.O. state.
Time Magic Lv.6
MP cost varies by spell
Enables the use of level 6 Time Magic: Graviga, Reraise, and Meteor. Note that these cannot be used without the appropriate scrolls.
M.Attack 30% Up
3 slots
Raise Magic Attack by 30%.
Hasten World
2 slots
All enemies and allies gain one BP at end of turn.
White Magic - White Magic Lv.1 - M.Defense 10% Up - White Magic Lv.2 - Staff Lore - Self-Healing - White Magic Lv.3 - Abate Water - Angelic Ward - White Magic Lv.4 - M.Defense 30% Up - White Magic Lv.5 - Epic Group-Cast - White Magic Lv.6 - Conservation of Life
Black Magic - Black Magic Lv.1 - Rod Lore - Black Magic Lv.2 - Abate Fire - Damage Dispersion - Silence Immunity - Black Magic Lv.3 - Black Resonance - Black Magic Lv.4 - M.Attack 20% Up - Black Magic Lv.5 - Pierce M.Defense - Black Magic Lv.6 - Group-Cast All
Time Magic Time Magic Lv.1 - M.Attack 10% Up - Slow Parry - Time Magic Lv.2 - Time Slip - Time Magic Lv.3 - Stop Immunity - Time Magic Lv.4 - Save TM MP - Time Magic Lv.5 - Slow World - Time Magic Lv.6 - M.Attack 30% Up - Hasten World
B/W Magic Lv.1 - MP 20% Up - B/W Magic Lv.2 - Turn Tables - MP Free in a Pinch - B/W Magic Lv.3 - Adrenaline - Save Magic MP - BP Recovery - B/W Magic Lv.4 - Revenge - Revival - An Eye for an Eye - In the Red
Singing - Love Power - Love Rush - One More for You - Got Your Back - Key to Your Heart - Support Amp - Little Devil - Catch Me - Buff Up - Prolong Support - Charm Immunity - Save Singing MP - Zero Sum - My Hero
Ritualism - Corpse - Black Magic Amp - Exterminate - Absorb M. Damage - Twilight - Save BM MP - Sacrifice - Zero - Convergence - Annihilation - Status Ailment Amp - Iniquity - Max Black Magic - Interment
Dark Arts - Dark Bane - Abate Dark - Adversity - Demon Master - See You in Hell - Minus Strike - Helm Lore - Black Bane - Gloom - Absorb Magic - Dark Nebula - P.Attack 30% Up - Life or Death - Rage