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Time Magic (時魔法, Toki Mahō?) is a skillset in Bravely Second: End Layer. It can be used by the Time Mage job or by any job equipping the Time Magic job command.

List of spells[]

Name Level MP Description Location Cost Image
Haste 1 8 Raise one target's speed for 4 turns. Grandship, Chompshire 400
Raise one target's speed by 50% for four turns.
[Single-target][Duration: 4t]
*The upper limit for speed is 150%.
Quake 1 5 Minor earth damage (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 400
Deal minor earth damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 20][Damage: 3.0x]
Regen 2 5 Gradually restore one target's HP. Grandship, Chompshire 800
Restore 3% of HP to one target at the end of each turn.
Moreover, this spell causes damage to undead enemies.
*Effect does not wear off with time.
Quick 2 20 Raise one target's hit count for 4 turns. Grandship, Chompshire 800
Raise one target's hit count by 50% for four turns.
[Single-target][Duration: 4t]
*The upper limit for hit count is 200%.
Quara 3 15 Medium earth damage (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 1600
Deal medium earth damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 55][Damage: 4.0x]
Gravity 3 12 Deal damage equal to 1/2 max HP to one HP. Grandship, Chompshire 1600
Has a 50% chance to deal damage equal to half of maximum HP to one target.
*Bosses and other unique enemies will be unaffected by this spell.
Comet 4 25 Random non-elemental damage to one target. Grandship, Chompshire 3200
Unleash a non-elemental attack up to four times on one target.
The accuracy of each strike is 50%.
This spell cannot be reflected.
[Single-target][Base Power: 30][damage: 4.0x]
Hastega 4 32 Raise all target's speed for 4 turns. Grandship, Chompshire 3200
Raise all allies' speed by 50% for four turns.
This spell cannot be reflected.
*The upper limit for speed is 150%.
Stop 5 10 Prevent one target from moving for several turns. Caldisla, Chompshire 6400
Has a 75% chance to place the target in the stop state.
Quaga 5 45 Major earth damage (group-casting allowed). Caldisla, Chompshire 6400
Deal major earth damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 90][Damage: 5.0x]
Reraise 6 80 Make one target auto recover from K.O. Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Enable one ally to automatically recover from a K.O. state.
Meteor 6 99 Unleash 4 non-elemental attacks on random targets. Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Deal four non-elemental attacks against randomly selected enemies.
This spell cannot be reflected.
[Base Power: 110][Damage: 2.0x]
Quickga 7 40 Raise all target's hit count for 5 turns. Vampire Castle 12800
Raise hit count by 100%.
This spell cannot be reflected.
[Multi-target][Duration: 5t]
*The upper limit for hit count is 200%.