This scholarly bearer of the spiritmaster's asterisk is a master of healing and support. He uses Fairy's Aid to enhance elemental attacks as well as powerful white magic including curada and holy.
Victor is a boss in Bravely Default. He is first fought alongside Victoria during Chapter 2. He is battled again during Chapter 4, also alongside Victoria. Defeating him in Chapter 4 awards the Spiritmaster asterisk.
First Battle
Second Battle
Third Battle
Fourth Battle
Fifth Battle
Sixth Battle
The first battle is scripted and will end by default after five turns or the party has either lost or defeated both Victor and Victoria.
On the second battle, the party encounters Victor and Victoria again at Eternian Central Command. Their abilities are similar in nature to the first battle.
Battle Quotes[]
Chapter 4[]
Victoria:Ugh... I wish you... I wish you all drop dead.
Victor:Victoria...? Victoria!
Should Victoria be defeated before Victor
Victor:Heh heh, I am in your debt. You grant me the gift of death. I now go to be by Victoria's side. Ha ha ha... Sweet Victoria. Sweet, sweet Vic...
Should Victor be defeated after Victoria
Victor:I... am sorry... Victoria... Forgive me... father...
Victoria:With Victor gone, my treatment will stop. The next fit will be my last. So with the short time I have left... I'd like nothing more than to crush You all!
Should Victor be defeated before Victoria
Chapter 5 and 6[]
Victoria:V-Victor... Where are you...? I cannot see...
Victor:Victoria...? Victoria! Victoria... We have lost her... My sole reason for living, gone... Heh, ah ha ha. Then there is nothing else for it... I shall end this miserable life... and take you all with me!
Should Victoria be defeated before Victor
Victor:Thank you... for killing me... Now Victoria... and I... shall be together... for eternity...
Should Victor be defeated after Victoria
Victor:I... am sorry... Victoria...
Victoria:Nonsense! Open your eyes, Victor! I will not permit you to die before me!
Victoria:With Victor gone, my treatment will stop. The next fit will be my last. So with the short time I have left... I'd like nothing more than to crush You all!
Should Victor be defeated before Victoria
Victoria:Victor... Do not... leave me... alone...
Should Victoria be defeated after Victor
Victoria:V-Victor... Where are you...? I cannot see...
Victor:I'm... right here... Victoria...
Victoria:I... just want... you to know... that I... really hate you... You kept me alive... for so long... so I suffered... so much... But now... I'm finally free...
Victor:Please... let me come... with you...
Victoria:Fine... You wouldn't... leave me alone... anyways...
Victor:Thank you... Victoria... my sweet Victoria...
Should Victor and Victoria be defeated at the same time