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White Magic (白魔法, Shiro Mahō?) is a skillset in Bravely Second: End Layer, focused primarily on restorative magic with some damage-dealing spells as well. It can be used by the White Mage or by equipping the White Magic job command. White Magic can also be performed by the Red Mage and the associated B/W Magic job command, but only up to level 4.


Job WM Lv. 1 WM Lv. 2 WM Lv. 3 WM Lv. 4 WM Lv. 5 WM Lv. 6 WM Lv. 7
White Mage Lv. 1 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 7 Lv. 9 Lv. 11
Red Mage Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 4 Lv. 6

List of spells[]

Name Level MP Effect Location Cost Image
Cure 1 10 Low HP recovery (group-casting allowed). Al-Khampis, Chompshire 400
Restore a small amount of HP to one target.
This spell can be group-cast and will damage undead enemies.
[Base Power: 30]
Aero 1 10 Minor wind damage (group-casting allowed). Al-Khampis, Chompshire 400
Deal minor wind damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 20][Damage: 3.0x]
Esuna 2 18 Cure various status ailments. Ancheim, Chompshire 800
Cure the status ailments poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm.
Raise 2 18 Bring back one target from K.O. Ancheim, Chompshire 800
Revive one target from K.O. and restore HP.
Moreover, this spell has a 70% chance to cause death when used on undead enemies.
Cura 3 20 Medium HP recovery (group-casting allowed). Ancheim, Yunohana, Chompshire 1600
Restore a medium amount of HP to one target.
This spell can be group-cast and will damage undead enemies.
[Base Power: 60]
Aerora 3 25 Medium wind damage (group-casting allowed). Ancheim, Yunohana, Chompshire 1600
Deal medium wind damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 55][Damage: 4.0x]
Curada 4 30 High HP recovery (group-casting allowed). Yunohana, Chompshire 3200
Restore a large amount of HP to one target.
This spell can be group-cast and will damage undead enemies.
[Base Power: 90]
Esunaga 4 36 Cure various status ailments on all targets. Yunohana, Chompshire 3200
Cure the status ailments poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm.
This spell cannot be reflected.
Curaga 5 40 Massive HP recovery (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 6400
Restore a huge amount of HP to one target.
This spell can be group-cast and will damage undead enemies.
[Base Power: 150]
Aeroga 5 45 Major wind damage (group-casting allowed). Grandship, Chompshire 6400
Deal major wind damage to one target. This spell can be group-cast.
[Base Power: 90][Damage: 4.5x]
Arise 6 50 Bring back one target from K.O. and restore all HP. Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Revive target from K.O. and restore HP.
Moreover, this spell has a 70% chance to cause death when used on undead enemies.
*HP recovery is capped at 9,999 HP when not using Bravely Second.
Holy 6 80 Massive light damage to one target. Caldisla, Chompshire 12800
Deal light-based elemental damage to one target.
[Base Power: 110][Damage: 6.0x]
Raise All 7 60 Bring back all targets from K.O. Vampire Castle 12800
Revive all targets from K.O. and restore HP.
Moreover, this spell has a 70% chance to cause death when used on undead enemies.
This spell cannot be reflected.